Chapter 23- Evil Plots, a Party, and a Weird Talk

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A/N. Hi. We are skipping New Year's got it? Watch out for the language people ok? And the first part of this chapter is 'evil' and there's lots of screaming. Oh and PLEASE don't get offended Twilight fans, Puck just doesn't like Twilight! L Do I like Twilight? Well I-WAIT! Umm...let's just continue the story k? *coughs awkwardly*

Chapter 23:Evil Plots, a Party, and a Weird Talk

*Someone's Evil POV*

"That Puck..." She -the idiotic fairy girl- said. I'm not sure if she says that with hate or daydreaming...I better get my money's work doing this shit.

"SHUT UP FAIRY!!" I screeched. Ahh...that's better. She rolled her eyes at me. SHE'S


"Hey! Do you wanna kill the girl or not?!?!?" The fairy yelled at me.

"Of course I want to kill the nitwit, once I kill her, the sixteen year old boy will be heartbroken, and I CAN DESPOSE OF HIM AND RULE THE WORLD!!" I cackled. Just thinking of it gave me Goosebumps! I will once get rid of HIM and his family! Hmmm...maybe they will open my industries back! Oh that reminds me...

"PIXIE!!" I yelled. Of course, I'm a pixie, but I think the others should be bossed more, don't you agree? A pixie waddled over to me. I heard the fairy mutter something about advanced fairies.

"Yes your majestic Op-"I cut it off.

"SHUT IT! Get me a box of truffles!" I yelled at it and it scurried away.

"Hey, fairy girl, are you sure you disposed of THAT being at the park." I said to...what's her name? Mary? Monica? Maybell? Oh I don't care!

"First of all, DO NOT CALL ME FAIRY GIRL! MY NAME IS MOTH!!!" She screeched, not a bad one at that, "Second, I AM SURE! SO WHY THE HELL DO YOU ASK!?!?" What is up with these fairies and their foul language. The word 'foul' 'fouled' up my mood about 'FOUL!' I'm not sure if I spelled it right...oh well I don't care about that IRISH teenager...well I do care about killing him, that sounds nice.

"Because, I'm monitoring the park, and I DON'T SEE ANY DAMN BLOOD!" I yelled at her. Gosh, this fairy is damn irritating! The fairy girl got up from her slouch and looked at me questioningly.

"No blood?" She asked. I nodded at her like she was dumb. DID SHE NOT HEAR WHAT I DAMNED SAID?!?! I swear once I get outta hear, and kill the Irish folk, I'm going to murder this idiotic fairy!! The pixie came back with a large box of truffles.

"Here, your great majestic Op-"

"SHUT UP!!! HAVE YOU NO DAMN SENSE!! STOP CALLING ME THAT!! YOUR GOING TO GIVE OUT MY NAME TO EVERYBODY!! AND PEOPLE MIGHT HEAR AND TELL THOSE GRIMMS!!" I screamed grabbing the truffles away from the pixie. I'm sure I gave it a headache, then it bowed and ran off.

"That's more like it." I muttered. I glanced at the fairy sitting beside me. She was wearing a big pink fluffy crown on top of her brown dull hair, and was wearing glitter, just below her dark brown eyes. I think her hair used to be blonde, but now it's brown with dirt. I looked at her disgusting clothing. Pink. Black is MY color. She was wearing a pink tutu, pink sneakers, pink tank top, pink fluffy socks, pink bracelets, a pink necklace that said 'Moth' on one side, then if you turn it would say 'Will rule the world!' and if you turn it again, it would magically say 'with my beloved King Puck'. AS IF! I saw the look on his face at the park. She is really crazy not to see that he's not interested in her!

"So, no blood..." She drowned on. I swear, I will ring her neck this minute if she doesn't stop talking about this. I stood up from my chair and faced her.

"NO BLOOD! Can't you get that through your thick skull?!?! What's so special about no blood?!?" I screamed in her face.

"There's nothing special about it." She said with rage shown on her face.

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