Chapter 24- Debates, Friends, and LOTS of Byes

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Chapter 24:Debates, Friends, and LOTS of Byes

I walked back down stairs to see Puck trying to throw one of my muffins in the trash can. When he thought no one was looking, he shoved it in his mouth and swallowed it all. I smiled...are my muffins REALLY good? That girl, Casey, I guess said something funny because Puck GIGGLED. GIGGLED!!! Ha! I can't wait to rub it in his face. However, Casey was not amused so she marched back to the couch and played with Elvis. I chuckled and started to walk towards Daphne and her friends.

"Whatcha doing Daphne?" I asked her.

"Oh! I'm telling my friends what the desserts are, Puck practically choked on his muffin when he found out you made them." Daphne told me sincerely. And that sincerely did not make me feel ANY better. I sighed

"Ok Daffy, then what's this?" I pointed to something green with some purple 'liquid' on top of it.

"Oooooh! That's Granny's green mashed potatoes with purple gravy on top." She said licking her lips. Margaux face brightened.

"THAT IS AWESOME!!!" She squealed and scooped a handful on her plate. So did the others. I was disgusted.

"C'mon 'Bwina twi it!" Charlie said shoving a handful in his mouth. I shook my head.

"I think I'll pass." I said walking away. I wanted to talk to Casey.

"Hey." I said to her. She nodded. I didn't really know what to say so it remained silent for a long time.

"'re one of Blake's friends?" She asked me. I nodded. Soon the talk became a nice conversation.

"Did you see Percy Jackson and the Lighting Thief?" She asked me.

"Yes! It was good, but the book was better." I said.

"I know! The books are ALWAYS better than the movies because they leave out most of the stuff, like what they're thinking." She said frantically. I nodded enthusiastically.

"So, what food is you're favorite HERE?" She asked me.

"The muffins I made." I stated proudly.

"You made those? THEY ARE AWESOME!!" She squealed. I was starting to like this girl.

"What about you? What do you like?" I asked her.


"Umm...I beg to differ. Ice cream sundaes are the best." I stated awkwardly.

"No. Pretzels are the BEST things!"

"Ice Cream Sundaes."










"SUNDAES!!" We laughed. We also talked about if she was staying in Ferryport. But she said she'll be staying until she gets what she needs. I asked her what, but she said it was a surprise. We also talked about school and our friends back home. She told me she started a 'Random Club' and the people who join are called 'Costco Members'. I laughed so hard I snorted. She told me that she went to a Catholic School in Fort Myers Florida called 'St. Francis Xavier'. And she had lots of friends like her. There was Julie, a brunette, wants to be emo which disgusts me. I mean REALLY, do you REALLY want to cut yourself for the rest of your LIFE?!?! Maybe not the rest of your life but STILL! There was Fiona, she was Irish and a very tall person, she was member of the 'Sassy Club'. Daphne overheard and she spit Granny's punch that she was drinking at Wendell.

There was Isabella, she was an ice skater, was small and petite, and was ALSO apart of the 'Sassy Club'. Sofia was like the co-manager of the 'Random Club'. There was a new girl in her school, her name was Katherine, but went by Katie. She had a rough life. Her friend was mad at her for some apparent reason so she cut some skin of...well that's what I heard. And there was another friend of hers, she was going to tell me her name but she didn't get to finish because a certain 'someone' or should I say 'Fairy' threw a glop grenade at us.

"PUCK!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. He laughed.

"I thought you were going to be good for today!" Uncle Jake exclaimed running after Puck who was now, trying to climb through the window.

"YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!!!" He said sprinting across the lawn. I shook my head in disapproval.

"Idiotic nut head." I muttered under my breath.

"You're soo weird." Casey told me.

"Well you're zany in the brainy." I told her.

"You're such a mature monkey!" She teased. I don't know what that meant but I'm guessing it wasn't a good thing. I lightly punched her arm. She stuck her tongue at me. We laughed.

*2 Hours Later in Daphne's POV*

"Bye Snow! Bye Billy! Bye Robin Hood! Bye Alice! Bye Baba Yaga! Bye person I don't know! Bye Little Boy Blue! Bye King Kong! Just kidding Tarzan! Bye Tom! Bye Cindy! Bye Rapunzel! BYE EVERYONE!" I exclaimed as everyone filed by me. They either waved at me, ignored me, or said something weird or funny about me. I didn't mind though. I just had maybe the best Christmas Party EVER! Plus the Scarlet Hand didn't kill us yet! Ok, not the best way to put BUT STILL! I was jumping up and down and the little girl was looking at me weirdly.

"I didn't know Christmas Trees talked." She said confused as her mom pulled her out of the house. My friends snickered. SHE WAS SOOO CUTE!

"She's SOO cute!" Margaux exclaimed. Me, Red, and Margaux giggled. Puck was dragged into the house by , my dad, and Uncle Jake. Wow. Puck can SURE take a fight...well not really. I could take out ALL of them. Don't believe me, then the next time you see me, run. Seriously, I'm not kidding. I'm like a miniature Sabrina. Minus my hair, eye, color, ovalish face, and my name.

"You finally caught him?" Wendell asked my dad. He grunted as a response. Me and 'Brina's friends stayed, well some. Blake, Casey, Charlie, and Danielle went home. So were left with Mikayla, Amanda, Wendell, Margaux, me, Sabrina, Kyle, Red, and Puck...I think. Oh! And Elvis! Minus Kyle because he went to sleep.

"Hey! Wanna play Monopoly?" Red asked. There was a chorus of 'Sure', 'Ok', 'Why Not', 'Whatever', and 'Is this going to take long? Because I have a bucket of sherbet ice cream waiting for me to devour it in my room'. The last one was said by Puck of course. Sabrina went to the closet and found the game.

*Later... in Margaux's POV*

"I WIN!" Puck said doing a victory dance.

"You didn't win doofus, you just went to jail." Sabrina stated to him as if he was dumb. Which I agree with.

"Oh poo!" He grumbled and sat down with his arms crossed. We snickered. Just a few minutes later, I called out.

"I win." I said simply. Daphne patted me on the back while Puck cursed.

"You know it's bad to curse?" Wendell told Puck. He stuck his tongue out at him. Sabrina looked at her watch.

"Sorry guys. Gotta go." Sabrina said. We said our goodbyes to the family and thanked them for letting us come. As I walked out of the house a simple thought came to my head.

I wonder when I'll see my cousin again. I sighed and looked to the ground. I hope she's doing good fighting the bad guys with her 'boyfriend'. I giggled.

Oh Holly...

A/N. I REALLY WISH I didn't put that last sentence, but I just had to spill a little. Wonder who Holly is? Is she that person who cussed a lot last chapter? Is it Sapphire? No, Sapphire has had ENOUGH disguises for this whole story...or has she? MUHAHAHAHAHA! Sorry, I just HAD to do that! *Grins*

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