Chapter 19: Christmas Feeling

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A/N. Thank you for the lovely reviews! I know people are sad that Sapphire is dead, me too...but this chapter MIGHT cheer you up. Oh and please do not be offended Dumbo fans. P.S. This is a long chappie!

Chapter 19:Christmas Feeling

Sabrina and the rest of the group left Sapphire' the...umm....park. They had walked the whole way in silence. There were a few tears still on Daphne's worried face. Red didn't glance at anybody. Puck just stared straight ahead. And Sabrina just kept her head down. Sabrina felt like she had just lost her best friend. Even though they were...not very close at the beginning, they still had a good time...while it lasted. Sabrina was so in her thoughts that she didn't notice Daphne shaking her.

"Sabrina. Sabrina. Sabrina. SABRINA!!" Daphne exclaimed.

"What?" Sabrina said a little dazed.

"We're home." Daphne said. She pointed to the house. And yes they were home. Red opened the door for everyone to come in. Sabrina smiled at Red and patted her head. Red grinned at her, shaking off the sad feeling. They entered the house to the sound of laughter. Sabrina immediately felt sad again. Why? Well Sapphire wasn't there to have a good time with them, so why should Sabrina feel happy at that moment. The group walked over to the living room, they saw the family sitting there with their friends. Mikayla smiled at the group, but it immediately turned concerned.

"What's wrong?" She asked. The group with Mikayla turned to Sabrina and HER group. Daphne immediately started sobbing. Veronica put Kyle in Henry's arms and went to comfort her daughter. Blake was sitting down, watching the whole thing. He stood up.

"Wait, where's Sapphire?" He asked with a hint of worry in his voice. Sabrina took a big breath then told them.

"She's....she's...d-dead." Sabrina stammered. She could feel the tears forming in her eyes. Blake's eyes went wide, so did everyone else's.

"How!?!?" Danielle exclaimed.

"Moth killed her." Red said. Everyone gasped. Daphne kept on crying in Veronica's arms, Elvis nudged her leg. Daphne smiled a little then patted Elvis on the head.

"How?!?!" Amanda asked. Granny Relda took over.

"Libeling, please save the questions for later, they must be hungry." Granny Relda said. She ushered the kids to the kitchen where the table was full of delectable goods. ORDINARY food. Sabrina sighed a happy sigh, not a very happy one, but happy enough. The rest of the group -meaning the people who did not see the incident- stayed in the living room talking about it, wondering if they would ever see the fairy again...probably not alive, but wondering if they would ever she her again.

They ate their food...not in total silence, but it seemed like it to Sabrina. Puck was play with his food, literally. He was tying the spaghetti together to make a whip. And used the sauce as the paint that you put on your face to make you look like a 'warrior'. Daphne and Red were having a contest on who could finish their spaghetti first. Sabrina just ate her food in silence. Mostly just looking at it. Uncle Jake was still out at the coffee shop when Sabrina and HER group had come home. So Henry had to tell Uncle Jake AND Briar what happened. Briar had fainted when she was told. But Uncle Jake -being the 'man' he was- caught her from falling. The family 'giggled' when that happened. Brightening the mood a bit....well maybe a lot.

Sabrina washed the dishes while everyone was in the living room, figuring when Moth would strike next. Sabrina was nearly done when Puck put an enormous amount of utensils and plates in the sink.

"What the heck stinkpot?!?! I was almost done!!" She yelled at him.

"Oh's woman's work, so it's YOUR doing!" Puck yelled back at her. She shoved him aside and went rummaging the refrigerator.

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