Chapter 2; Movie Marathon

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"You can't just hope for happy endings. You have to believe in them. Then do the works and take the risks."

~ Nora Roberts


Alice's P.O.V


    "When are you planning on telling Cassie?"
    "The night before we leave for Storybrooke," I say, sitting down next to Andrew. "I want it to be a surprise."
    "How long will we be staying?" Hunter asks.
    I take a sip of my drink. "I'm thinking two weeks. What do you guys think? Should we stay for two or three weeks?"

    "Three weeks sounds good," the Will says, sitting down at the opposite side of table.
    "Yeah," Ray agrees. "Three weeks away from town will be good for us."
    "You mean good for me, don't you?' I ask.
    Ray's face pales. "Wha- What makes you say that?"
    I raise an eyebrow. "Don't play dumb with me. I heard you guys talking about it last night."

    Ray glances at the guys the back at me, silently plending for help. Will shakes his head as if saying, "no, way, man. It's your problem now".
    "About how a change in scenery would be good for me," I say, using quotation marks.
    Ray sighs in defeat, raising his hands in surrender. "I thought that some fresh air would do you good."

    "You hardy ever leave the house and we-" he pauses as the boys glare at him. "-I thought that a vocation would be a good opportunity to get you to go out more."
    "I do go out," I say.
    "The library doesn't count, Alice," Ray interrupts.
    "Well, I-"
    "And neither does the bookstore across the road," Andrew adds.

    I cross my arms. "What more do you want from me?"
    "We want you to have fun," Hunter says, speaking for all them.
    "But I do have fun-"
    "In a world outside books," Ray says. "Not within the four walls of the library."
    "So, let me get this straight, you planned on going on this trip just to keep me out of the library?" I ask.

    Jerome nods. "Yup, that pretty much sums everything up."
    "I can't believe you guys," I say, rolling my eyes.
    Andrew shrugs. "You can't blame us for trying."
    "Yeah, but-" I'm interpreted by the sound of Cassie and the twins shouting.
    "Mommy! Mommy!" Cassie shouts, running towards us, the twins not far behind him.

    I kneel down, picking him up as he hugs me. "What's wrong, Cas?"
    "They hid the book you lent me!" Cassie complains, pointing at the twins as they approach us.
    "We did not," they say, crossing their arms.
    "Then where did it go?" Cassie asks them, placing his hands on his hips.

    My eyes dart to a faded leather-bound book sandwiched between the couch cushions. I walk over to the milky white seats, bending down to pick the book up. I pull the book out from the cushions, revealing a first edition copy of Harry Potter.
    "Is this the book Cas?" I ask, cranning my neck to face the toddler.
    The blonde boy blushes, nodding his head as he takes the book from me.

    "See!" Isaac exclaims. "We didn't take your book."
    I kneel down, placing Cassie on the ground. "I think you owe them an apology."
    Cassie nods timidly, turning to face his adopted brothers. "I'm sorry."
    "It's alright," Asa says, smiling at his younger sibling.

    "Just don't misplace mum's books ever again, 'cause I heard from dad that she locked him out of the house when he misplaced her signed copy of Divergent," Isaac whispers.
    I glare at my boyfriend as Cassie's eyes widen in fear.
    Ray scratches the back of his neck, chuckling nervously. "I never said that."
    I raise an eyebrow. "You'd better not."

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