Chapter 42; Nimue

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"If we could look into each other's hearts and understand the unique challenges each of us faces, I think we would treat each other more gently, with more love, tolerance and care."

~ @poemsporn via Twitter


Third Person's P.O.V


    Ares muttered a string of Greek curses under his breath as he snapped "The History Of Dark Ones" shut. Kneeling down, he placed the history book on the floor before turning around to grab the next book from the pile he was assigned to. The young man sighed when he realized that although it was nearly nightfall, he had only gone through about a quarter of his pile. Sparing a glance over his shoulder, he scanned the room for his sister.

    Fortunately, the room was small, so he didn't need to search for long. But he spotted movement in his peripheral vision and his attention was drawn to a certain dark-haired boy in the room. Will stood a mere two metres away from him, his nose buried within the pages of the book he was reading, his back to the wall. Clad in a dark jacket and ripped jeans Ares couldn't help but be reminded of his ex.

    It had been almost four years since Ares had last seen Haziq. Four years since he'd last held him in his arms, when Ares told him of his decision to make his departure for Phoenix with his sister. Haziq was devastated, of course, but respected Ares's reasons for wanting to leavs everything behind. Four years since he'd last felt the chocolate-eyed boy's lips on his as he tangled his slender hands in Haziq's hair—

    Stop, Ares chided himself sternly as he tightened his grip on the leather bound book in his hands. Stop thinking about the past.
    Shaking his head, Ares pushed the memories of his ex-boyfriend away and returned his attention back to the task at hand. His senses were assaulted by a cloud of dust that hit his face when he opened the book's pages. Turning back to his seat, Ares was startled when he come face-to-face with his sister.

    Ares blinked, shaking his head. "Sorry, sis, I didn't hear that. Did you say something?"
    "Really?" Hestia let out an exasperated sigh, pinching the bridge of her nose. "You know what, never mind."
    "No, seriously, I didn't hear you speak," Ares repeated, placing his hand on his sister's shoulder to prevent her from leaving.

    Hestia shook her head as if saying, "I can't believe this guy" before looking her brother dead in the eye. Ares visibly gulped when he caught the serious look on his sister's face, expecting to hear some bad news.
    "Are you alright?" Hestia asked.
    "Are you—"
    "I heard your question," Ares replied, raising his hand up to stop her. "And I'm fine."

    "Really? There's nothing on your mind?" Hestia pressed.
    "Nothing." And everything.
    "I don't believe that for a second," she argued, snatching the book from her brother's hand.
    "I was reading that."
    "No you weren't," she stated, crossing her arms. "Now, tell me what's wrong. You've been acting weird these past few days."

    "I think that it's a very hard for me to give a straightforward answer to that question," he replied, moving forward to grab the book.
    "Can you not?" he asked, annoyed, when Hestia raised the book over her head, but not out of his reach.
    "No," she replied firmly, shaking her head.
    "You're making a mountain out of a molehill," he tsked.

    "Tell me what's wrong," she demanded, ignoring his previous statement.
    "Look," Ares bit the inside of his cheek, feeling the others' eyes trained on them. "Can we not do this right now?" he asked, keeping his voice low so that only she could hear.
    "No," Hestia replied stubbornly.
    Ares let out a repressed sigh, then reached over his sister's head to pluck the book from her hands.

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