Chapter 15; Daring Adventurer

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"You only get one life. It's actually your duty to live it as fully as possible."

~ Jojo Moyes, Me Before You


Alice's P.O.V


    "I need to speak to Henry Mills!" I exclaim, storming into the sheriff's office.
    I'm greeted by silence.
    I walk past the counter, curious as to why no one's here. "Hello?"
    "Mummy, do you think they've gone to fight the dragon?" Cassie asks, tugging on the sleeve of my jacket.
    "I don't know, Cas."
    "We shouldn't be here," Isaac says.

    I sigh, realizing that there's no one here. "You're right. It was a mistake coming here."
    I push the front doors open, walking out the empty office, the boys behind me.
    "Where are we going, mummy?" Cassie asks, catching up to me.
    "Are we leaving town?" Asa asks.
    I shake my head. "No, we're going to stay a bit longer."

    "Why?" Isaac asks. "This place is obviously cursed."
    "Because I need answers, and we're not leaving until I get them," I reply.
    I glance at the boys, pondering if it'd be a good idea to take them with me. I shake my head, dismissing the absurd thought. "You boys go back to the rental house. Tell the others what happened. And call me when you're safe."

    "But we wanna help," Asa protests. "You're always on about solving mysteries and getting to the bottom of things."
    I place my hand on the preteen's shoulder. "I know, but this is different. You boys could get seriously hurt."
    "Go home, Asa," I repeat. "Make sure your brothers are safe."

    Asa begins to argue but changes his mind, realizing that I'm right. "Alright, mum."
    "Don't forget to call me!" I yell as they run across the road, taking the route back to the rental house.
    I need to grab my backpack first.
    I reach into my pocket, pulling my phone out. I then dial Will's number as I jog back to the van to grab some stuff.

    "Hey, this is Will-"
    I perk up at the sound of his voice. "Will! Where are you-"
    "I can't come to the phone at the moment, if this is Ray, I'm sorry. I love you and all, but stop asking me how to explain a fangirl's mind. It's impossible. If this is Lewis, for the love of God, I don't know where your keys are. And if this is Alice, please limit your message to thirty seconds because I don't have the time to hear about the new book you're currently reading. Leave your message at the beap."

    I roll my eyes at his voicemail as I unlock the van's door.
    "Listen, Will, something's come up. The boys are safe, I sent them back to the house. I'm going to investigate on something. It's probably very dangerous, but don't worry about me, I'm bringing my kit."
    I grab my backpack from the backseat of the van as I hang up the phone.

    I strap my belt the around my hip, tightening the belt buckle so it doesn't slip off. I then grab my knives, placing them into the two leather shealths built into the belt. I then grab the bullets and the handgun that I bought from Ares's shop yesterday and load the gun with a handful of bullets. I slip the spare bullets into the belt compartments just in case. It might seem like overkill, but I'd rather be safe than sorry.

    I make sure that I silent my phone before I leave, you'll never know when someone calls you at the wrong time. Making sure that the safety setting of the handgun is off, I slide the gun into the holster.
    After I've equipped myself as much a possible, I close the door.
    It's time to get answers.


    I kneel down, studying the patch of charred grass. I place my hand an inch above the ground.
    It's still fairly hot. Which means that this was recent and she can't be far from here.
    I glance back up ahead, the thick forest staring back at me. I dig into my backpack for a bandanna to tie around my mouth and nose so I won't breathe in the toxic fumes that the fire produces.

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