Chapter 11; Cassie Faye

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"This is what I know: people's hopes goes on forever."

~ Junot Diaz, This is How You Lose Her


Peter's P.O.V


"What did you tell Cassie?" Malcolm questions, overhearing Alice's conversion with Cassie.
"I'll tell you later."
"I told you she'd find a way back to you, she's already made her way back to Storybrooke, sooner or later she'll remember you," he says.
"We'll see," I reply.
A few days I ago I would've told him that it was impossible and there was no point for her to remember me.

"You haven't given up on her yet, have you?" he asks, cracking a small smile.
I shake my head. "No. No, I haven't. But if Alice does manage to remember me I won't hold it against her if she still wants to stay with Ray. I'll never stop loving her, but I'll find a way to survive if she chooses him over me."
"Do you think that she'd choose him over you?" my grandfather asks me.

"I don't know, but I'm going to hope for the best and prepare for the worst," I say.
Malcolm glances at the crystal ball, looking at the image of Cassie sleeping "I can't imagine how hard this'll all be for Cassie to understand."
I glance up at him, realizing that I've bitten my nails to the quick. "What if he doesn't want to see me?"
"Why wouldn't he want to see his father?" he asks.

"I don't know, he might think that I abandoned him like-" I shake my head. "He might not even remember that much about me."
Malcolm looks me in the eyes, noticing that I'm holding back. "Peter, how did Cassie end up in Neverland? You've told me every Lost Boys' backstory, but you've never told me Cassie's one."
I sigh, running both my hands through my hair. "It's not a pleasant tale."

"I've heard hundreds of terrible ones, I think I'll be able to handle it."
"I don't know, his backstory isn't one you should hear, it'd kill you," I tell him.
"Try me," he insists.
I sigh, recalling the fateful day I first met the blonde toddler. "It was quite a while back, maybe two decades ago. I was exploring Alice's world looking for poor souls to bring back to Neverland with me..."

I spread my arms out, feeling the cold air hit my face as I soar above the rooftops of the huts (or buildings as the people in this era call them). I've been scouting this wretched town for months, on the look out for any boys with the potential to be a Lost Boy. But no such luck. All the boys I've come across have been either spoilt rotten or too weak to survive a day in Neverland.

Why don't I just use my pipe you ask? Well, it's because Felix told me that I'd wouldn't be able to find any Lost Boys in this relem and, I, being the more mature friend, decided to prove him wrong by doing exactly that. Without using my pipe. Recently, he's been proving to be correct as I haven't found any boys suitable for Neverland yet, but I am confident that I will find a Lost Boy soon. And I'm not going to give up until I find one.

I spot an open window a few blocks away and decide to fly down to check out the family living in this house. Casting an invisibility spell on myself, I kneel down on the ledge outside the window to take a closer look. The first thing I notice about the room is a boy lying on his bed, starring at a square-shaped object displaying moving pictures. I shake my head, focusing my attention to the boy on the bed.

He looks to be twelve years of age, just the right age to wield a sword. Sure, he may be a big round in the middle but that's nothing a little bit of training won't get ride of. I grin, thinking that I've found the perfect Lost Boy. But that grin is immediately wipped off my face as the boy starts calling for his parents.
"Mother! Father! Where's my dinner?! You said that it was ready!" the boy shouts.

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