Chapter 22; A Trip Down Memory Lane

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"You can't break if you're already broken. But damn, those pieces can still shatter."

~ @Poemsporn / / Twitter


Alice's P.O.V


    The guys remain silent, save the twins who peer over my shoulder to take a look at what Henry placed on the table. They furrow their eyebrows, not taking their eyes of the object. "A book?"
    "What is this, some kind of sick joke?" I ask, looking at Henry.
    "No, seriously. The answers are in this book," Henry says, pushing it towards me. "You just have to read it."

    I take a step forward. "If this is some kind of cruel joke-"

    "It isn't. I assure you, it isn't," Henry says, shaking his head. "Trust me, I know how you feel I felt the same way when my mum told me that all the fairytales were true."

    I raise an eyebrow.
    "What reason do we have to believe you?" Jerome asks.

    "Yeah," Hunter agrees, crossing his arms over his chest. "You haven't exactly given us any reason to trust you."

    "Why would I even-" Henry shakes his head, taking a deep breath before looking back towards me. "I swear, I'm not lying to you. What would I have to gain by lying to you? My own mother was taken by that thing, too."

    I glance back at the book.
    Well, it wouldn't hurt to give it a look.

    "Fine," I reply, picking the book up. "I'll humour you for a few minutes."

    My hands appear to have a mind of their own as I find myself flipping through the books' pages as soon as I come into contact with it.

    What exactly am I looking for anyways?
    As if a spell's been cast on me, I stop flipping the pages and rest my hand against a drawing.
    I briefly glance at Henry before giving into the curiosity that threatens to tear me apart. I then slowly remove my hand and stare at the illustration on the page.

    I blink.
    Is that who I think it is?
    I scan the drawing again and gasp. It's a drawing of the Lewis, Will and I having a sleepover and it looks to be around two years ago.
    But I've never seen this place before-
    A wave of emotions flood over me and gone are the cozy walls of the sheriff's house.

    In its place is the interior of a green tent.
    Where am I?
    I look down at myself trying to piece together how I ended up here. I scan my surroundings, spotting a girl sitting in a corner. She's seated on a white cot and there are two teenagers standing in front of her. The one nearest to me is freakishly tall and is dressed in a brown cloak.

    His shaggy blonde hair falls covers some of his eye but it doesn't prevent me from noticing the piercing gaze he has on the girl. Next to him is a rather familiar looking teenager clad entirely in green. The teenager carries himself with an air of arrogance and wears a proud smirk on his face as he approaches his friend.
    "Um, hello?" I begin, uncertain. "Can someone please tell me where I am?"

    The boy with dirty blonde hair ignores me, turning to face the tall boy. "It's alright, Felix, you can leave us now."

    The blonde boy gives his friend a curt nod before walking out of the text, leaving us alone with him.
    "Hey!" I call out, standing in front of the exit. "I'm talking to you. Are you deaf-"

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