Chapter 38; Ignorance Is Bliss

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"Sleep doesn't help if it's your soul that's tired."

~ Twitter / / @LifeInWords


Lewis P.O.V


    "Asa, get Cassie off the monkey bars!"
    "Calm down, Lewis," Jo chides, placing her hand on my arm. "He's not going to hurt himself."
    "Yes, he is," I insist. "Alice will decapitate me if he gets hurt or anything and- oH MY FREAKING GOD, CASSIE STOP HANGING UPSIDE DOWN!"

    Jo pulls me back down onto the bench. "Stop it, Lewis!" she whisper-shouts, attempting scold me with a straight face. "People are starting to stare."
    "Jo, I swear to God, Alice will cut my limbs off if Cassie falls and hurts himself, and I don't know about you but I like my muscular arms and legs to remain attached to me."

    "Sure. So strong," she scoffs, poking me in the biceps. "Much muscles."
    "You seriously need to stop spending so much time on the watching Dan and Phil, it's destorying your soul," I say.
    "I can't help it, their videos are too addictive," she replies.
    I roll my eyes. "I still don't understand how you managed to get an A for English."

    "That was one time and to be honest, I don't even know how that happened."
    I chuckle. "Yeah, the teacher must've been rushing to mark it that's why the overall results are so high."
    "Hey!" she exclaims, poking me in the side. "My grammar isn't that bad."
    "Says the girl who just said, "much muscles"."

    "I was making a point."
    "And what poing would that be?" I ask.
    "Well, I- oh shut up," she scolds. "And stop smirking at me!"
    "I'm not smirking," I reply, covering my mouth with my hands.
    "You are too!"
    "Now people are definitely staring at us," I say.
    "Let them," she replies, not caring anymore. "We're a weird-ass couple in a playground, what do you expect?"

    I raise my eyebrows. "We're a weird-ass couple?"
    "Okay, fine. You're the weird ass one in this relationship," she amends.
    I pout at her. "Rude."
    "Get over it," she replies, sticking her tongue out at me.
    "Oh, real mature."
    "Neither one of us are mature," she laughs. "That's why we can never have kids."

    "But we can still babysit them, right?"
    "Probably not-" She stops halfway, looking over my shoulder. "Um, Lewis, is Cassie supposed to be going down the slide that way?"
    I quickly get to my feet to stop him but Isaac manages to get him to come down safely before I reach them.

    Jo laughs at the terrified expression on my face. "We would make awful parents."
    "Yeah, forget babysitting. The two of us are practically children."
    She scoffs. "Speak for yourself."
    I shake my head. "I can't believe you're the older one."
    "Just by a few months."
    "I guess those extra months in the womb weren't used to help develop your brain."

    She gives me a deadpanned look, causing me to nervously scratch the back of my neck.
    "I'm kidding. Obviously."
    Jo narrows her eyes at me. "You'd better be."
    "Yes. I'm totally kidding."
    "I swear, I don't know why I agreed to be your girlfriend," she says. "Neither one of us are good with kids or people."

    "Yeah, but why be with someone else when you can be with someone as amazing at me?" I ask, gesturing towards myself.
    Jo laughs, shaking her head at me. "My level of high self esteem is definitely rubbing off you."
    "And my quirkiness and lack of social interaction is rubbing off you," I add, grinning at her.

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