Chapter 35; Parallels

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"Distance never separates two hearts that really care, for our memories span the miles and in seconds we are there."

~ Henri J.M Nouwen


Peter's P.O.V


    When the fog finally clears an image of an empty bedroom appears in the crystal. The room is fairly clean, save the carpeted floor as it's littered with items ranging from books on how to talk to contact dead to a pile of discarded clothes. In the middle of the room is a four poster bed with crimson beddings. The bed is flanked by two large dressers which are equally as messy and unorganized as the floor.

    Faded curtains fly in the wind, forming an elaborate dance with the streaks of light created by the morning sun.
    I scan the room, looking for any signs of life and I'm not disappointed as my attention is quickly drawn to the bed when I hear the faint sound of someone snoring. Only then do I notice the three body-shaped figures lying on the bed.

    I guess the thick quilt that was draped over them prevented me from spotting them at a first glance.
    The image focuses, showing me a clearer view of the trio. A petite girl lies in the middle of two boys, her wavy hair spralled across her pillow. She yawns, snuggling closer to the boy on her right, her hand resting on his bare chest.

    The boy smiles in return, resting his chin on top of her head and wrapping his arm around her. The boy to her left groans, tugging at the quilt.
    "Could you guys stop hogging the blanket?" Lewis asks, mid-yawn.
    "It's not our fault you're such a fat arse," Will replies.
    Alice groans, burying her head in Will's shoulder. "Shut up, you two. I'm trying to sleep here."

    Lewis mutters something under his breath, sliping his arms around Alice's waist. "I'm only doing this for warmth. Not because I like you."
    "Mmm hmm. Keep tellin' yourself that," Alice replies.
    "Did Ray come back last night?"
    "I think so," Will replies. "Lewis said he heard Ray talking to Jo downstairs."

    "When was that?" Alice asks.
    "Around two in the morning."
    "What do you think Jo was say if she walked in on us like this?"
    "Again with that, Alice?" Lewis asks.
    Alice grins. "What? Aren't I your type?"
    "No." Lewis rolls his eyes. "Our relationship is strictly platonic.
    The brunette pouts. "So you don't love me?"

    "I don't know. Do I?"
    "Will, Lewis is being mean," Alice whines.
    "And you guys are being immature," Will replies, covering his face with his pillow. "Just shut up and go to sleep."
    Alice huffs. "Rude."

    I smile at their exchange, glad that Alice has Will and Lewis to keep her company. Their friendship is almost as golden as Felix's and mine, but I'd never admit that to them.
    My heart clenches at his name but I push the guilt aside. Felix wouldn't have wanted me to feel like this.

    It's not my fault. He told me so himself.
    I sigh, placing the crystal ball back on its stand. "Malcolm?" I call out, turning around to face my grandfather.
    "What is it, laddie?" He asks, looking up from the stove, a worried look on his face. "Did something happen?"
    I shake my head. "No. I just wanted to talk to you."

    "What about?" he asks, placing the wet rag onto the counter.
    "About Alice."
    "What about her?" Malcolm asks, leaning against the counter.
    I scratch the back of my neck. "I want to talk about my feelings towards her. I didn't exactly talk to my mother about what falling in love felt like during my childhood."

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