Chapter 13; Lessons From The Past

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"I am that clumsy human, always, loving, loving, loving. And loving. And never leaving."

~ Frida Kahlo


Peter's P.O.V


    I run my forefinger down the row of old books, my eyes darting to the titles of the books to see if anything catches my eye. I've had a lot of time to myself ever since I arrived in the Underworld and I'd like to think that I've been spending my time wisely. Whenever I'm not watching out for Alice or Cassie I'm cooped up here, in the exact replica of my father's shop.

    I spend most of my time reading the selection of books that Alice had recommended to me before I came here instead of doing something productive, like eating. I don't understand how this even works. I'm supposed to be dead, why do I still need food to provide myself with energy? Would not eating just kill me ever more? I shake my head at the absurd thought.

    Sighing, I drop my hand from the wooden bookshelf, drawing circles from the dust collected on the mahogany table. I closing my eyes as I recall my fondest memories of Alice and Cassie. I smile, remembering how Alice would always complain about how I towered over her and how it was unfair.

    I used to enjoy teasing her about her height but it's hard to do that now that I don't get the same reaction and that she's grown taller. Cassie's grown too. In more ways than I could've ever imagined. I remember the day Alice taught Cassie how to read. I've never felt so proud in my life when he managed to read a passage from one of Alice's favorite books. And I've never laughed so hard when he mispronounced one of the words and accidentally swore.

    I might not be able to contact Alice anymore but I can still talk to Cassie in his sleep. I remember when Cassie told me about the time Alice added salt in Will's coffee instead of sugar. Cassie couldn't stop laughing at his reaction. Or the time when-
    I perk up at the sound of Cassie's soft voice reaches me, pulling me out of my day dreaming state.

    I turn around to see the said toddler looking around the shop, his back facing me. He's changed from his pajamas into a dark green shirt and blue overalls. And I notice that his hair is becoming brighter and brighter each time I see him. The shade of his hair may very well be as light as Hunter's or Jerome's in the future.
    I smile. "Good afternoon, Cassie."

    The colourful eyed toddler turns around at the sound of my voice.
    He smiles back in greeting. "Hello, Peter Pan."
    My smile falters at the way he addresses me to but I force myself to remain unfazed by it. "How are you today?"
    "Tired," he replies, rubbing his eyes sleepily.
    I chuckle. "Yes, that might explain why I'm able to talk to you."

    "Are you a bad person?" he asks abruptly.
    Now my smile does fade, and I frown. "Where did you hear that?"
    "From the Brothers Grimm," Cassie tells me. "They say that you're a bad person who does evil things."
    "It depends on what your definition of evil is," I say, walking past the counter.
    Cassie noticeably takes a few steps back as I approach him.

    "Have I done something to upset you?" I ask, frowning at the look etched on the toddler's face.
    Cassie shakes his head.
    "Then what is it? What's wrong?"
    Cassie shifts his weight from his right foot to his left, not looking me in the eye.
    "It's alright, you can tell me," I assure him, my tone gentle and understanding.

    "Mummy said that you're a just bad dream," he says hesitantly. "That's why daddy bought me a magical item to keep you from visiting me."
    My heart sinks when I hear the news.
    Not seeing Alice was painful enough. But now she doesn't want me to see Cassie either?
    "What do you think?" I ask.
    Cassie doesn't reply, his gaze on anything but me.

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