Chapter 40; Nightmares On Edward Street

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"No one but myself knows the anxiety I go through and the trouble I give myself."

~ Claude Monet


Will's P.O.V


    "Are you sure we're at the right place?"
    I aim the torch in front of me, staring at the dingy warehouse with great distaste. Its white exterior has turned yellow, probably due to old age and harsh weather conditions, and moldy. The field surrounding the dilapidated building is overgrown with sharp thorns and long, itchy grass that reaches up to my shin.

    The lack of a path and made it seem like no one had been here for aeons, like the building was hidden away from humanity. In fact, the place was so secluded that we had to get off the motorbike and walk about a quater of a mile to reach it. In short, it seemed like the kind of place that you'd go to hide from people.
    Or a place to discreetly kill a person, the voice at the back of my head says.

    "Positive," Ares replies, pocketing his phone. "He said to meet here at five."
    "Where even are we?" I ask, stepping over a pile of debris, looking down at my phone. "How do you know it's really him?"
    Ares tightens his hold on his handgun as he walks through the entrance. "Edward street. It's an old hideout. And it's him. I know it."

    I give the warehouse a once over, worried that it'd collapse on us as soon as we entered it. "But you're sure-"
    "He has pictures of our familes, Will! How much more proof do you need?" Ares whisper-yells, impatiently gesturing for me to get in.
    "It's a small town," I argue, following after him. "People talk when strangers appear out of nowhere."

    "Not this town," Ares states,  bending down to avoid a fallen pillar. "It may be small but they're used to strangers dropping by. Trust me, I know."
    I nearly drop my flashlight when a rat scurries over my shoe. "Could they be trying to scare you to show yourself?"
    Ares gives me a dead-panned look.
    "I'm just saying. Maybe they aren't as advanced as you made them out to be-"

    "-watch out!"
    I turn around a second too late, crying out as a fist connects to my face, knocking my glasses off. My body is fast to react as my training kicks in, and I jerk my elbow back. My attacker grunts as my elbow comes into contact with his stomach. But my victory is short-lived as he recovers almost immediately, throwing another blow to my face.

    Where the hell is Ares? I wonder as I struggle to block my attacker's blows.
    He lands a quick punch to my face and I wince, tasting copper in my mouth. I retaliate by throwing my elbow up, cringing when I hear the sickening crack of bones breaking. He swears, his hand instinctively moving to cover his broken nose.

    He moves to throw another punch but stops when we hear the unmistakable click of a gun cocking. Both the man and I freeze, turning to face the source of the sound.
    "Let him go," Ares demands, aiming the gun at my assailant.
    I let out a sigh of relief, glad that he didn't abandon me. I begin to shove the man away but tense when I feel something cold on my Adam's apple and my eyes widen.

    A knife.

    I hold my breath, willing myself to do something. Anything. But my body refuses to move.
    "Drop the gun," a gruff voice breaks the silence.
    Ares doesn't back down, nor does he look like he's planing to anytime soon.
    "Drop the gun, or I'll kill your friend," he threatens, and I force myself not to flinch as he applies more pressure my neck, drawing some blood.

    "I'll do it!" he yells when Ares still makes no move to put the gun down.
    Ares briefly makes eye contact with me, not missing the subtle way my body trembles against my will, or the way blood trickles down my neck.
    Ares slowly lowers the gun, and the man loosens his hold on me in return. I almost think that I'll make it out of this place alive when Ares jerks his hands back up, shooting my assailant in the shoulder.

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