Chapter 23; The Sun, The Moon & The Truth

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"My emotions throw me into an whirlpool I can't escape."

~ @tenwordspoem / / Twitter


Henry's P.O.V


    "Where did The Bloodlust Trio go?"
    "Could you not call them that?" Ray asks, the tone of his voice telling me that he's making an effort not to shout at me over the phone.
    Most people wouldn't understand why he's defending them. After all, they did make his life a living hell when he still lived in Neverland with the other Lost Boys. But I understand him.

    He's just realized that his life has been a lie and that it wasn't always that way. Finding out that my closet friends for two years once would've done anything to beat me to a bloody pulp if they were given the chance would've made me lose my mind. He's confused and emotionally unstable right now, which is understandable. I think I can say with confidence that anyone in his position would've reacted that way too.

    "Uh, yeah, sorry about that," I apologize, scratching the back of my neck. "So, um, where did they run off to?"
    "I don't know," he replies. "They just took off."
    "They won't do anything stupid, right?" I ask.
    "I just realized that my close friends are the people who hate me the most in the world."

    "Yeah." I nod. "Who knows what they'll do now."
    A silence soon settles.
    I clear my throat. "So, what are you guys going to do now?"
    "Lewis and the twins are mostly alright, but I'm going to try and get Alice to talk again."
    "How is she?" I ask.
    "Still shell-shocked, I don't know if I'll ever get her back to her usual self."

    "It'll take awhile for her to take it all in," I say. "Just make sure she remembers to eat."
    "Will do."
    I begin to hang up stop when I hear Ray's voice on the other end. "Henry?"
    I bring to phone to my ear again. "Yeah?"
    "If a boy by the name of Will comes to your apartment do me a favour and show him the book, okay?"

    "Sure. Who is he, again?" I ask.
    "He's my brother," Ray replies before hanging up.
    "How are they?" Mary Margaret asks as I place the phone back on the stand.
    "Not so good," I reply, sitting on the couch.
    "How's Alice taking it?" Regina asks.
    "She's still in shock."

    "It'll take awhile for her to accept what she just found out." Regina shakes her head. "I don't know what I'd do if I ever lost Robin."
    I get up to leave the room, but stop when I hear the sound of the front door being knocked.
    "I'll get it," I say, making my way over to the wooden door.
    The hinges squeak as the door old door swings open.

    "Is Alice here?"
    The first thing I notice about the stranger are the bruises on his face. His hair is disheveled and his eyes look bloodshot, like he's been up all night. His bottom lip is split and has dried blood on it. I inch back, looking at him like he's a time bomb that could go off at any moment.
    "Who's asking?" I question, not taking my eyes off the dangerous-looking boy.

    "Will. I'm her best friend," he replies.
    I open the door, gesturing for him to come in.
    "I was just on the phone with your brother, he told me that you were coming," I tell him, closing the door behind us. "They left half an hour ago."
    "What happened to Cassie?" he asks.
    "I think you'd better sit down," Mary Margaret says.

    Will looks like he's on the verge of lashing out at me and demanding for answers like Alice did, but he maintains his composure and does what my grandmother suggested instead.
    "Is Alice alright?" he asks as I make my way over to the kitchen counter.
    "It's... complicated," I reply honestly as Regina hands me my Storybook.
    "Not to be rude or anything, but why'd they come to you for answers?"

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