Chapter 19; The Break In

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"Life is like walking against the current."

~ @deepxsnaps // Twitter


Alice's P.O.V


    "What's wrong?" Ray asks, peeling his eyes away from the twins.
    "Cassie. He's gone!" I exclaim, scanning the skate park of any sign of the colourful eyed blonde.
    "Is he with the twins?"
    I shake my head. "No, I don't see him."
    I bring my hands to my head, standing up. "He was just here. I swear I only looked away for a minute!"

    "Okay, calm down, Alice. Did Cassie say anything in in the time you looked away?"
    "No," I say, panic obvious in my voice. "I would've heard him."
    "Maybe he saw Jerome or one of the guys?" Ray suggests.
    I shake my head. "It's not like Cassie to walk away without telling me."
    "Do you want me to tell the twins to help us look for Cassie?" he offers.

    "No, let them have their fun. You watch over them, I'll look for Cassie."
    "Are you sure?" he asks.
    I nod.
    "Okay, call me when you find him," Ray says as I walk off.
    "I will," I reply walking as fast as my injured leg would let me.
    "Cassie!" I cry out, scanning the crowded skate park for the blonde toddler.

    A few curious teenagers look up from their phones at my voice, but look back down realizing that it doesn't affect them. My eyes dart at the faces of the many people in the crowd, stopping when I spot a blonde haired toddler pushing past a group of cyclists. A brown skinned girl cries out, swerving her bike to the right to avoid colliding into him.

    I call out the toddler's name but he doesn't hear me. Cassie runs off yet again. I nudge past the group cyclists, not bothering to apologize. Now's not the time to do so.
    I wave my hand as I run, trying to catch the toddlers attention. "Cassie!"
    I must look like a mad woman as I run across the street shouting my baby boy's name. But my appearance is the least of my worries.

    Cassie turns a corner, disappearing behind a building. I wrap my jacket tighter around my body as I near the building. I slow down when I reach the corner. I swallow nervously, placing my hand on the brick wall as I turn the corner.
    I hesitantly place my hand on the toddler's shoulder. "Cassie?"

    I smile as he turns around. But the smile is immediately wiped off my face when I see that he's not Cassie. In fact, the toddler isn't even a boy. The little girl looks up at me with her big, blue eyes.
    She blinks. "Do I know you?"
    "Sorry," I apologize. "I- I thought you were someone else."
    "It's alright," she assures me before walking off.

    I scan my surroundings in hope that I'd see Cassie on the streets but he's nowhere to be seen. I cover my mouth with my hand, chocking on a sob. "Fuc-"
    I turn around to face whoever's calling my name. I don't remove my hand from my mouth when I see that it's Tia.
    "How are you?" she asks cheerfully.

    Her brows furrow with concern when realizes that I'm in no mood to talk. "Are- Are you alright?"
    I let out a shaky breath. "No. No, I lost him."
    "Who? Lost who?"
    "Cassie. He was here a second ago," I tell her.
    "Are you sure he didn't just wander off?" Tia asks.

    I shake my head. "No. Cassie's not the type that would do wander off on his own."
    "Do you want me to accompany you to the police?" she asks.
    I begin to nod, but stop when I spot a familiar black motorcycle parked by the side of the road pavement.
    Tia trails off when she notices that I'm not paying attention. "Alice?"
    "Is that yours?" I ask, pointing at the ominous vehicle.

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