Chapter 41; Children Of Demigods

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"Do you ever smell an old perfume, or hear an old song, or pass an old hangout spot and kinda break inside for a couple of minutes?"

~ via (00justbreathe007)


Third Person's P.O.V


    "We shouldn't be doing this, Sam."
    The said teenager ignored her, his hands moving higher up her sides, the touch of his cool fingers causing goosebumps to appear on her skin. "Don't worry, babe. We'll be fine."
    "I'm being serious," the girl firmly said, pushing his wandering hands away before he managed to slide them under her shirt. "You're taking this way to fast."

    The boy sighed as she pushed him off her, running his hand through his thick, dark hair.
    "Come on, Hes. We talked about this," he persisted.
    The brunette shook her head, crossing her arms over her chest.
    "Just one more kiss," he insisted, taking her hands in his. "Then I'll go."

    The young girl nervously bit the inside of her cheek, wondering if she should give in to his demands or just ask him to leave. Sam pouted at her in return, mimicking the look of a kicked puppy.
    "Okay," the girl said, giving in to his advances. "Just one kiss, alright?"
    Sam grinned. "I promise."
    The brunette closed her eyes, losing herself as the older teen's lips met hers.

    She let out a sigh as he tangled his experienced hands in her hair, tugging at her locks when he deepened the kiss. She's the one who breaks the kiss, gasping for a breath of much-need air.
    "Okay, I've given you your kiss," she panted, pushing him in the direction of the open window. "Now go."

    "Why the rush to get rid of me?" he asked, his knowing grin causing the butterflies in her stomach to go crazy as he threw one leg over the edge of the window frame. "Don't you like my company?"
    "Of course I do, Sam," the young girl assured him as he moved another leg over the frame, dangling both legs out the window.

    "Go on" his gaze seemed to say as he smiled at her, his full lips catching her attention. The young girl chastised herself, unsure if she wanted to pull him into another breathless kiss, or push him out the window.
    She spared a nervous glance over her shoulder, keeping a lookout for a certain blue-eyed boy that happened to reside in the room adjacent to hers. "It's just that you've caught me at a bad timing."

    Sam raised a pierced eyebrow. "Your brother's not at work?"
    "He called in sick this morning," she explained.
    The dark haired teen scoffed. "Last I saw him, he looked fine."
    "He's just worried about me," the girl defended, playing with the fraying hem of her jacket. "You know how he gets."
    Sam rolled his eyes. "It's fine. I have to leave anyway. I told Mrs Waren I'd be back by eleven."

    "Don't you think you're cutting it a bit close?" she asked. "Your poor mom must be worried sick."
    "Adoptive mom," Sam muttered, tightening his grip on the white frame.
    "She's still your mother, Sam," the girl chided. "She loves you."
    "But I don't love her like I love you," the teenager replied, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

    Sam grinned as the brunette moved her hands to cover her furiously blushing cheeks.
    "I'll see you tomorrow, babe," he promised, pecking her lips once more before making his descent down.
    "I love you, Sam," she called after him.
   The dark-haired boy looked up from his bike, touching his lips with his index and middle finger in return.

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