Chapter 30; The Six Minute Trip To Camelot

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"I wish I could realize things before they are gone."

~@colormymood / / Twitter


Henry's P.O.V


    "You let her out?"
   I swallow nervously, glancing at Hook for an answer, my eyes darting from the older man's face to my mother's furious one.
    Hook bites the inside of his cheek in frustration. "Technically, I let her escape."
   "Moron!" Regina exclaims.
   "Watch it, Your Majesty," Hook warns. "At least I'm doing something to save Emma."

    "What's that supposed to mean?" She demands, noticing the hint of accusation in the pirate's voice.
   "Well, maybe you somehow managed to get The Apprentice to slip into a coma-?" Belle and the others simultaneously roll their eyes or sigh when Hook says that. "-Maybe you like being alone with Henry?"

    "Maybe you like having a hook?" Regina steps forward so that their faces are close. "Maybe you'd like another?"
   "Enough!" Mary Margret exclaims. "Zelena's out, that is what matters, but not as much as Emma. Emma kept us united, and that is exactly how we are going to remain. Come hell or high water, we are going to put our nonsense aside, and find my daughter."

    "Okay?" She asks, waiting for Hook and Regina to stop throwing dirty looks at each other. "Okay, where would Zelena go first?"
   "I know exactly where," Regina says, slowly turning around to face the Charmings' and Belle. "Or more accurately, who she's after."


    The six of us quickly make our way to the clock tower where Regina said that Zelena would be. And just as my mother predicted, we found Zelena standing in the middle of the street, holding Robin in place with her magic. Regina glares at Zelena as we approach her.
   "Hello, sis," Zelena greets. "I see you've fixed the clock. It would be a shame to break it again."

    "Although, it might be fun to see Robin fly like one of his arrows," she says cheerfully.
    Regina takes a step forward, glaring at Zelena. "You lay another finger on it and I'll-"
    "Oh, I'm not here to hurt Robin," Zelena assures her. "I'm here to trade him for The Apprentice's wand."

    "What the hell do you want with this?" Regina asks, looking down at the wand.

   "I am tired of losing to you! You continue to get everything! But now-" She places her hand on her baby bump. "-Now I have someone to love me and only me. See, this is my future, and I am not letting anyone take it from me or turn it against me. So I am going as far away from you and Robin as possible... Over the rainbow, where you can't follow."

   "Back to Oz?" Regina asks, confused as to why she'd want to go back.
   "I may have been feared and despised there, but at least I was free," Zelena says." At least I was in control. So if you want your forest-smelling boyfriend to live through the day, you will give me that wand."

    Regina looks down at the wand, then back at Robin, torn between both choices.

   "Don't even think about it," Hook warns, not taking his eyes off Zelena.
   "You can't, Regina. Please," Mary Margret begs, desperation clear in her voice.
   All eyes are on my mother as we anxiously wait for her to voice out her decision. Robin chokes as Zelena uses her magic to strangle him and I realize that my mother's already made up her mind.

   "I have to," Regina says, reluctantly handing over The Apprentice's wand to her sister.
   Zelena giggles, snatching the wand from Regina and letting go of Robin. "Lovely."

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