Chapter 6; Lost Boy

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"You don't die when your heart stops beating. You die when your heartbeats have no meaning."

~ @poemsporn / / Twitter


Peter's P.O.V (In The Underworld)


    "Hey, guys, we're back," Alice greets, entering the living room.
   Will walks into the room behind her, placing the groceries they bought onto the island separating the kitchen from the living room.
   "I got you something from the store, Cas," Alice says, sitting next to the blonde toddler.
   "Really? What did you buy, mommy?" Cassie asks, looking up from the book he's reading.

    "This," Alice says, pulling a packet of sweets out from her bag. "Share those with your brothers, alright?"
   "Okay, mommy," he replies, smiling as he takes the sweets from her.
   Alice ruffles up his hair. "Speaking of the twins, where are they?"
   "They said they wanted to explore the town," Cassie replies, struggling to open the sealed packet.

    "Here," Alice says, holding her hand out to him. "Let me try."
   Cassie hands the bright yellow packet to her, and Alice then attempts to open the bag. She gives up after a few tries.
    "Ray?" Alice calls out, drawing the raven-haired boy's attention.
   He looks up from his phone. "Yes, Alice?"
   "A little help, please?" Alice asks, holding out the sweet packet to him.

    Ray takes the packet from her and manages to open it in one try. "You know, you're pretty weak for a girl who's always saying "fight me"," he teases, handing her back the packet.
  "Hey, I'm not weak, I have my bad days, too," the brunette protests, taking the bag from him.
   He rolls his eyes at her as she passes Cassie back his sweets. "Here you go, darling."

    "Thanks, mommy and daddy," Cassie replies, taking a sweet out of the packet.
   Alice looks up at the ceiling as if waiting to hear something. She then looks at Ray. "The house seems awfully quiet and that can only mean one thing. Where are the guys?"
   "The fuse box blew when the twins tried to turn on the lights so the trio went into town to find an electrician."

    "And what about Lewis?" Alice asks.
   "He went to Granny's Diner," Ray says, placing his phone onto the coffee table. "Apparently the diner has free Wi-Fi so Lewis is gonna try to FaceTime Jo."
   Alice glances at the clock hanging above the fireplace. "Wow, it's only been twenty minutes since we got here and he's already contacting his girlfriend."

    "It's Lewis, can you blame him?" Will asks.
   "Nope, I can't."
   "Well, I'm gonna take a shower. You guys behave, alright?" Will says before walking off.
   "Hey, I'm the responsible one here," Ray protests.
   "No, you're not," Alice and Will counter.
   Ray shoots Alice a look. "I'm gonna get you back for that."

   "Oh, really? How do you plan on doing that?" Alice challenges.
    "Hey, Cassie, could you go play in your room?" Ray asks the little boy.
   "Okay, daddy," he replies, running off.
   The raven-haired boy waits until the toddler is out of ear-shot to grab Alice by the waist, pulling her on top of him. She squeals as he begins tickling her sides, laughing as he runs his hands under her arms.

    My hands tremble as I watch Ray kiss Alice, who immediately kisses him back, their tickle fight long forgotten.
   "What's wrong, son?" Malcolm asks as I wipe away the tears that are threatening to fall. "Are you alright?"
   I look up from the crystal ball as the old man sits on the bed beside me. "She- She was my happy ending. But I lost her, and I don't know what to do."

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