Chapter 8; Knights & Pawns

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"... You can't get away from yourself by moving from one place to another."

~ Ernest Hemingway, The Sun Also Rises


Alice's P.O.V


"So, tell me about the guy who hit you with his car," I say.
Will steps out of the bathroom holding a damp towel. "He was Australian, I think."
"Did you get that from his appearance or accent?" I ask.
"Both, I guess?" he replies, throwing the towel into the laundry hamper. "He's also into HTH like me."

I hum, thinking of my response. "I'd like to introduce him to Lilith."
"What?" I ask innocently. "No one hits my best friend with a car and lives to tell the tale."
"Alice, how many times do I have to tell you that I'm fine for you to stop plotting Ares's murder?" he asks me.

I tap my chin with my forefinger. "A billion times sounds just about right."
"I'm kidding."
Will sighs. "I'd better not see an article about a murder when I wake up tomorrow."
"Well, maybe not tomorrow but-"
I raise my hands. "Okay, fine."

"But can you at least play a quick game of chess with me?" I ask, giving him my best puppy look.
I fist bump in the air. "Yes! Finally a challenge."
"You'd better not let my brother hear you," Will warns, grinning.
"Yeah, well, he's asleep," I say as we make our way to the room that Lewis, Will and I share.

"Remind me again, why did we choose a house with only four rooms?"
"Well, the guys said they were fine with sharing the master bedroom. We agreed that Cassie and the twins would share a room since they were still too young and Ray agreed that he'd get the smallest room since he's the only one who'd be using it."

Will opens the door for me. "Huh, well, I guess the citizens here aren't the type who have big families."
"Well, it's a small town."
"Would you like to accompany me to town tonight?" I ask, sitting down on the large bed.
I watch as he sets the chessboard up. "You don't wanna go on a romantic walk with Ray?"

"I didn't think that checking out weapons would be very romantic," I reply.
Will looks up in surprise. "There's a weapons shop here?"
"Yup." I nod. "It's on the street across the library."
He nods. "Okay, let's check it out after dinner."
"Great, I needed to sharpen Lilith anyway."

Will gives me a look.
"Kidding. I'm kidding."
"You'd better be," Will mutters, placing the last pawn on the chessboard.
"Sure, so which piece do you want to play as?" he asks, having finished setting the board up. "White or Black?"
"As always," Will replies, sitting opposite me.

"What?" I ask. "I like making the first move."
"No, you just like to be at an advantage. White always has the better advantage," Will points out.
"You know me so well," I say.
"Yeah, I do. So, what are you waiting for? Make the first move."
I smirk. "Knight to F3."


Will sighs. "That's checkmate in ten moves. Someone's been practicing."
"Yeah, well, I've had a lot of time on my hands ever since my graduation."
"What are you?" he asks. "Spencer Reid?"
"No, I'm not smart enough."
"We'll see," Will says. "You up for another game?"

"Your move."
"Knight to C3," I say, not looking up from my book.
"Pawn to A5."
I turn a page. "Pawn to A3."
"Rook to-"
"Hey, guys."
I look up, seeing Ray standing by the doorframe. "Hi, Ray."
"I'm not sure if you noticed but it's time for dinner," he says, leaning against the door.

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