Chapter 25; Sticks & Stones

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"We're actors in our lives, pretending to be who we want people to think we are."

~ Simone Elkeles, Perfect Chemistry


Will's P.O.V


    The sun had set when I'd finally decided to make my way back to the rental house. I was originally planning on skipping town until my injuries healed but staying in town to look help them find Cassie is more important than hiding my bruises from my family. I chose to head back after I was sure everyone had fallen asleep because I didn't want them to freak out or ask any questions when they saw the bruises on my face.

    I could've easily turned on the torch light on my phone to help me find the lock, but I chose not to as I didn't want the light to wake the others up. I fumble in the dark for a full minute before I finally manage to open the door. I slowly turn the doorknob, making an effort to be as quiet as possible. Opening and closing the door is easier said than done as the door is extremely squeaky.

    After a few tries I realize that it'd be better to shut the door quickly than take my time with it because that sound would probably attract less attention than the constant squeaking of the front door being opened.
    Better make this quick, I tell myself before closing the door and locking it.
    I wince as the hinges squeak under pressure, but let out a sigh of relief when I don't hear the other stir.

    I sling my backpack off my shoulders as my way to my room to retire for the night. My hand reaches for the staircase but I stop halfway when I remember that I share a room with Alice and Lewis. I shake my head, proceeding to make my way towards the living room. I guess I'll be sleeping on the couch tonight. Hopefully I'll be able to explain where I was when the others find me tomorrow.

    The lights in the living room abruptly turn on just when I'm about to look for the light switch and I almost drop my bag in shock. My eyes dart to the lone figure seated on the couch. Her arms are crossed over her chest and a scowl is etched on her face. Her eyes are red and puffy.
    She's been crying.
    "I know about Cassie," I blurt out after a few seconds of painful silence.

    She begins to open her mouth -probably to yell at me- but the words die before they leave her lips when see gets a good look at my bruised face. The infuriated look on her face is immediately replaced with worry when she notices my injuries.
    Her hands fly to her mouth, but they fail to stifle the gasp that passes her lips. "Will, what happened to you?"

    Remember, family must never be involved...
    "I had a run in with some blokes on the outskirts of town," I lie. "It's only a few bruises. Don't worry, I'll be fine."
    "Where-" I assume she's going to ask me where I've been, but instead she shakes her head and grabs my forearm.
    "What are you doing?" I ask as she to drag me up the stairs.

    "I'm going to dress your wounds so you don't get an infection," she says as she opens the bathroom door, her motherly side showing.
    "It's fine." I wave my hand dismissively. "I've already dressed them."
    "You look like you've just been shot," she tells me, rummaging through the cabinet for the first aid kit as she does so.

    I bite my bottom lip. "Well..."
    "Someone shot you?!" She exclaims, jerking her head to look at me.
    "I wouldn't say shot exactly," I mumble. "More like, um, beaten up."
    "Why-? What-?" She stutters at a loss for words.
    I rush to assure her. "I didn't provoke them. God, I'm not that daft."

    "Did you manage to throw any punches?" She asks, returning back to the task at hand.
    "Of course," I reply. "What do you take me for? A pansycake?"
    "No. I take you for an idiot," she responds.
    I place my hand on my chest, giving her a hurt look. "Well, ouch."
    "Just shut up and sit down," she commands, pointing at the bathtub.

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