Chapter 31; Memory Gaps

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"Be nice to people even if your own heart is breaking, because there's no need to break theirs too."

~ TheLadyInBlack // @twitter


Alice's P.O.V


    "What do you mean, "he's gone?""  Jerome stops in his tracks when he sees the jacket in Andrew's hands. "Where'd you get that?"
   He snatches it from Andrew. "It's my brother's jacket."
   The blonde boy ignores me, clenching his fists as he lifts his head up to look at Andrew. "What did you do?"

    His next words are a deadly whisper. "Did you kill my brother?"
   Ray places his hand on Jerome's shoulder in an attempt to calm him down. "We don't know that. He could still be alive. Maybe-"
   "Get off me, runt," Jerome hisses, shoving Ray's hand off his shoulder. He takes another step forward. "Did you kill my brother, Andrew?"

    "ANSWER ME!"
   Andrew shakes, but his next words don't answer Jerome's question. "I'm sorry."
   That's the final straw for Jerome and he lunges for the taller boy. He wraps his hands around Andrew's neck and chokes him, his knuckles slowly turning white. "WHAT DID YOU DO?!"
   Cassie screams in fear.
   "Jerome stop!"

    Ray tries to pry Jerome off Andrew but he refuses to let go and it takes a Ray, Lewis and Will to successfully pull Jerome off Andrew. Andrew gasps for air, his body going into spasms as he starts coughing violently. Jerome struggles in the boys' hold as they drag him away from the coughing boy. Andrew slowly sits up on the tiled floor, his eyes red and his face pale.

    "I'm sorry," he repeats once he's stopped coughing, his voice no louder than a whisper. "I'm sorry."
    "Jerome, please, you're not thinking straight," I say, hoping that he'd come to his senses.
    Jerome shrugs the boys off himself, his hands clenching into fists. He looks like he wants to lunge for Andrew again but falters when Cassie grabs his hand.

    "Romie, please," Cassie begs, his lower lip quivering.
    Jerome sighs, nodding slowly. "Fine."
    "Come on, Jerome. Let's go outside," I say in an attempt to get him to stop glaring at Andrew, who looks like he's about to collapse again.
    But his eyes don't leave Andrew's.
    "Jerome, please, you need to leave the diner, you aren't thinking straight."

    Jerome raises his hand and points at Andrew. "If my brother isn't here, and it's because of you, I swear to God, I'll kill you."
    Jerome shoots Andrew one last piercing glare before allowing me to lead him out of the diner.

Camelot, Granny's Diner.
Six weeks ago...

    "Come on, Cas."
    "I don't wanna go, mama," Cassie whimpers, shying away from the men in armour.
    I kneel down, looking the toddler in the eye. "Do you really not want to go, or are you scared that something bad will happen again and you'll end up alone?"
    "I'm scared that I'll wander off," he says. "That's what I did. I thought I saw dadd- Peter Pan so I went after him."

    "But it wasn't Peter, was it?"
    Cassie shakes his head. "It wasn't. And I couldn't find my way back to the house."
    I wrap my arms around the toddler. "Cassie, it's not your fault. And don't worry about wondering off again, I'll make sure you never leave my sight."

    I feel him nod against my shoulder. "Okay, mama."

   "Do you want to stay at Granny's?" I ask, pulling back.
   Cassie shakes his head. "No, let's follow the others."

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