Chapter 10; One Crazy Ass Family

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"Silence is not an absence, but a gentle presence."

~ @Poemsporn / / Twitter


Alice's P.O.V


    "Ready to leave?" Lewis asks, standing up.
    Will groans in response.
    I place my hands on my hips. "Will, you can't keep reliving that in your mind."
    "I can't believe that just happened." Will says, his head in his hands. "That was the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to me and I'm supposed to be the calm and collected one."

    "Well apparently the tables have turned."
    "Oh, how they have turned," Lewis repeats, grinning like an idiot.
    Will looks up as I place my hand on his shoulder. "Come on, let's go."
    "Go where? To Starbucks?" he asks, his eyes glinting with hope.
    I chuckle. "You wish, we're going to the beach."
    "I didn't bring any clothes."

    "Neither did I," Lewis says.
    "I know," I say. "That's why I brought your swimming costumes for you."
    "You thought of everything, didn't you?" Will asks, standing up.
    I grin. "Of course."
    Will opens the door for me as I rummage through my bag for their swim wear. "Are we going there now?"

    I nod, laughing out loud when he closes the door on Lewis, letting it smack his parabatai in the face.
    Lewis opens the door and steps out of the shop, glaring at Will. "Thanks a lot."
    "Sorry, I didn't see you there," Will replies, not bothering to hide his smirk. "I was too focused on using my phone."
    "How 'bout you take your phone and shove it up your-"

    "Now boys don't fight," I chide. "Or I'll keep your belongings until the end of this vacation."
    Lewis and Will glance at each other, their eyes glinting with mischief. "You thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?"
    Lewis nods. "Arms or legs?
    "Legs 'cause she kicks."
    Wait. What?
    I take a step back as Will slowly makes his way behind me. "Um, guys?" I gulp nervously as Lewis takes a step forward.

    I scream as they both advance forward. Lewis grabs my legs while Will grabs me by the arms, lifting me completely off the ground.
    "Put me down you pricks!" I yell as they proceed carry me down the road, headed towards the beach.
    "Now Alice, don't swear. It isn't ladylike," Lewis chides me in a mocking tone.

    "Ladylike. I'll show you ladylike when I'm kicking your arses so hard that even Google can't find you."
    Will scoffs, unbelieving. "You're too weak for that, Stiff. Let the real Dauntless do the fighting."
    I utter a bunch of very colourful words at his remark.
    How's that for ladylike?

    "Sheesh, I think the lady needs to wash her mouth out with soap. What do you think, Lewis?" Will asks.
    "Don't you dare you mother-"
    "What lady? Alice is anything but a lady."
    "Am I supposed to be insulted by that?" I ask.
    The strong smell of salt and the sounds of seagulls let me know that we're approaching the beach.

    "Yeah, I think you're right," Lewis says. "Alice does need to wash her mouth out with soap."
    "This isn't a freaking Melanie Martinez music video!"
    Will glances around the beach, looking for a bathroom. "Well, I highly doubt we can find a way to restrain her if we want to do that."
    "Or get her into the male's bathroom," Lewis adds.

    "Yeah, that too." Will nods in agreement.
    "How 'bout I make it easier for the both if you?" I suggest. "We can forget I said anything and you guys won't get decapitated by Lilith."
    Will's eyes light up. "I've got it!"
    "What?" Lewis questions.
    "How 'bout we dump her into the water?" Will suggests.
    "No! Don't you dare!"

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