Chapter 29; Mission Gone Wrong

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"My struggle is tough but I am tougher."

~ the words you need to tell yourself every single day (via dryyoureyes-startbelieving)


Third P.O.V


    "Did you see where Alice and her friends went?" Mary Margaret asks.
    "Last I heard from them they were looking for their friend, Will," Henry replies. "Apparently he's gone missing, too."
    Regina shakes her head. "We don't have time to worry about her."
    "Mom, where are you going?" Henry ask when she opens the door.
    "To find the first person we should've gone to when Emma first disappeared," Regina says.

    "Mother superior just texted me to tell me that he's awake."
    "And who would that person be?" Hook asks.
    "The Apprentice," she replies.


    Hook hastily opens the pawn shop's door and rushes towards the back room. He pushes the red curtain aside and barges into the room.
    "Apprentice. That monstrosity took Emma. Where did they go?" Hook asks.
    The Apprentice opens his eyes at the sound of Hook's voice.
    "She is now where all darkness is born," he replies. "In your realm."

    "Then take us there," Hook pleads.
    "I am too weak now," he replies shakily.
    "But this-" He waves his hand in the air, causing a dark green wand to appear in his hand. "-will help."
    "It is a gift from the sorcerer, from Merlin on the day I became his apprentice," he tells us. "In it is all the light magic."
    "It can take us to our daughter?" Mary Margaret asks, hopeful.

    "Not on its own," The Apprentice replies. "In order to cross realms, it must be welded as it was forged, with both sides of the coin. L-Light, and t-he dark."
    The Apprentice loses consciousness as soon as he utters those words and the wand falls out of his limp hand. Mother superior places her hand on his shoulder, looking at him with concern.

    "I guess that's my cue," Regina says, bending down to pick up the fallen wand.
    She gets to her feet then points the wand in the air and waves it three times, keeping the wand pointed at the ceiling after the third wave. The group stares at the ceiling in suspense, waiting for a portal of some kind to appear. But, nothing happens. Regina furrows her eyebrows, pointing the wand at the ceiling again.

    Hook turns to face Regina, raising an eyebrow at her when she tries again.
    "Enough!" He exclaims, raising his hand. "You're going to embarrass yourself, and waste our time."
    "Watch it," Regina snaps. "I know what I'm doing."
    "Well, that's not enough. You heard the man, it needs darkness. You've gone soft."

    "You wanna see soft?" Regina lowers the wand, turning to face him. "Why don't I use that hook to show you your intestines?"
    "Oh, you've got the fire, love. But not the blackness. Not anymore," Hook replies, his voice low. "How's this for irony? You've done too much good."
    Regina turns away, biting her bottom lip.

    "Now, we need someone wicked."
    Regina's eyes widen when she realizes who Hook is taking about. "No. No. No. Not my sister!"
    "That witch is more than wicked, she's deranged," Regina says, proceeding to try her luck at summoning a portal again.
    "For Emma it's worth the risk," Hook argues. "She scarified herself for you, Your Majesty, because she believed that an evil queen could be good."

    "Don't you think you owe it to her to repay the favour?"
    Regina glares at him for a second before coming to a decision.

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