Chapter 43; Love Will Be Your Downfall

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"The monsters were never under my bed. Because the monsters were inside my head."

~ Nikita Gill, Monsters


Third Person's P.O.V


    It was barely three in the morning when Alice was woken up by another nightmare. The girl's chest heaved in terror, the effects of her vision not yet gone. She placed a shaky hand over her mouth and the other over her rapidly beating heart as she willed herself not to scream. She spared a glance to her side, thankful that the two boys next to her were still asleep. This would make it the sixth time in a row that she'd seen the same harrowing monster in her vision.

    She shivered, recalling how the demonic figure loomed over her like a deadly shadow, it's tallons reaching out to grab her...

    The scene had changed. And the pentagram was no longer drawn in an empty field but in a dark forest, one that suspiciously resembled the woods in Storybrooke. It looked to be around the late hours of twilight, close to two in the morning. The scene would have been peaceful, serene even, if it weren't for the monstrous scene in the middle of the woods. A hooded figure stood cowering before a large creature that occupied the space inside a hand-drawn cage.

    The creature bellowed something in an ancient tongue, the flames around it singeing the hooded figure's outstretched hands. The cloaked figure yelped, flinching as The Beast pounded onto the barrier that separated it from their trembling form, its talons barely breaking the line of chalk.
    "Please, master," they begged, in English this time, their voice raspy, as if they had been screaming for hours on end. "I just need a little more time."

    "Vou had time!" the creature roared, flapping its wings as its shrill voice breaking through the tranquil silence like the crack of a whip. "Lots of time!"
    "P-Please," they pleaded, kneeling in front of the fiery demon, intertwining their hands in front of them like a prayer. "I-I've almost d-d-done it, master. T-They're on the verge of giving up soon."
    They jumped back as the flames licked their exposed forearm, marring their pale skin.

    "I've had my eye on vhese people for vears. They don't give up that easily," the creature seethed, annoyance obvious even through its heavily accented voice. "Especially not vhen they're so close to vinding the truth."
    "B-But they don't know that—"
    Its accent thickened, if that was even possible, when it uttered the next few words. "Are vou voubting my vords?"
    "N-N-No!" they hastily corrected themself, shaking their head profusely. "I was merely pointing out that-"


    The hooded figure shut their mouth, cradling their injured arm under the thick cloak that was draped over their body.
    The creature growled. "I knew I should've saved the other Vegacy instead of vou. You're vorthless compared to vour sibling-" the cloaked figured flinched at the creature's words but remained silent. "-I can't believe I vhought you would be more capable. I should just collect the both of your souls now-"

    "NO!" The hooded person protested, stuttering even more when they saw the piercing look in the creature's eyes.
    "P-P-Please, master," they continued seeing that the beast hadn't raised its tallons to smite them. Yet. "I can do better. I promise. I overhead them saying that they'll try a different method, one that'll lead them down the wrong track, if they don't get any information from the King."
    The creature's eyes glowed crimson. "Arthur knows."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2021 ⏰

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