Announcement :)

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    Hey guys, I'm not dead xD I just came back from my Girls' Bridge camp and I just thought that I should remind you guys in case you didn't read the announcement I posted on the 20th of October because a lot of you were wondering when I was going to update Checkmate.

    I've got a lot to say but I'm just going to start off by saying thank you all so much for 200Kay reads for Pan's Game. I still can't believe that we've achieved (I say we because I couldn't have done it without you guys so it's an achievement for all of us) so much in such a short period of time. Firstly Checkmate has reached 200, 000 reads (that's 1/5 of 1M) and secondly we've managed to get the title of #61 in Fanfiction (which is equally as crazy and someone I've never ever ever ever EVER fathomed)

    And thirdly, since I've gotten so much support from all of you guys I've decided to create a reading list dedicated to the works that you guys have written and/or are writing. It's going to be called "Loyal Believers". My best friend, Tea [BlameItOnSpring], came up with that name btw so you guys should definitely follow her of you haven't already done so.

    I don't know if you guys have noticed, but in the past month that I was on hiatus I've been checking out your works and I realized that you guys are very talented and you deserve to have more reads for your books. I'm still kinda tired from camp so I'll start adding books I've found to the reading list tomorrow. Don't hesitate to DM me if you'd like to be featured in my reading list or if you'd like me to check out your works. You don't have to follow me but it'd be nice if you did :)

    I know I'm not a very big account and I can't really help that much but I just thought that it's the least I could do for since you've all been so supportive. Thank you again for 200Kay reads, I'll try to update the next chapter ASAP but I'm sorry in advance if I don't mange to do that by the end of the month because I'll be getting my exam results back next week and I'll have to choose what subjects I want to take for next year.

    I love you guys so much and I hope you all have a wonderful day/night. Stay hydrated, take your meds and please get enough sleep 💕 Well, that's all for this announcement, bye guys xx

~ Alice xx




Random gifs

Who else read it in his voice?

Don't ask

I was bored af


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