Chapter 36; Lost & Confused

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"Tears come from the heart and not the brain."

~ Leonardo di Vinci (via soft-spines)


Alice's P.O.V


"Alice, stop fussing over him."
"But, Peter, he could hurt himself. You're the one who said that Storybrooke's not a safe place anyway."
"Not when I'm around it isn't," Peter states. "The inhabitants of this town have heard about me. They wouldn't dare harm one of my own."
"Not even the people you've hurt?" I ask.

"They know better than to do such foolish things," he replies.
"Yes, but-" My eyes drift towards the boys, and I pause. "Hold that thought. Asa, Isaac, please be careful! Cassie may be extremely hyper but he isn't indestructible."
Peter hooks his fingers under my chin, turning my head away from the children. "Don't worry, love," he says, his gentle tone causing me to relax.

You look really weird in morden day clothes, I think to myself, I never imagined seeing you in jeans and a plain T-shirt.
"What are you smiling at?" Peter asks, poking my cheek.
"Nothing." I shake my head, still grinning. "I'm just not used to you wearing this type of clothes."
"Is that your way of saying that I look ravishing in this?" he asks.

"Um... No."
Peter pouts, sticking his bottom lip out. "And I thought you said you loved me."
"I do love you," I laugh, pecking him on the cheek. "It's just kinda strange for me to see you in the clothes of this century."
"But I still look sexy, right?" he asks.
I roll my eyes at him. "Yes, Peter. You still look sexy."

My eyes stray towards the beach again and smile widens at the sight of the three boys running around the beach. Cassie swings his wooden sword at the twins and Asa lets out a over dramatic cry, pretending that he's badly injured.
"Ah! I've been hit!" he yells, falling onto the sandy ground.
Cassie giggles, poking his older brother with the blunt point of his sword. "I win!"

"You did a great job raising our boys," Peter says, smiling at the sight.
I give him a sad smile. "I just wish you were there with me when that happened."
"I'm always with you-" He places his hand over my chest. "-in here."
"You're physically here, too, right?"
Peter's smile fades, but I pretend not to notice.

I close my book, sitting up on the beach chair. "I'll have to leave soon," I tell him, brushing the stay strands of hair away from my face. "I told Will and Lewis that I'd have the boys back before lunch. Do you think you'll be alright on your own?"
"Have you told them yet?"
"Told them what?" I ask, knowing full well what he is talking about.

"About the dreams you've been having," he says. "That they're back again."
I shake my head. "I don't know what you're talking about, Peter," I say, turning away from him.
"You can't keep doing this, Alice," he warns.
"Doing what?" I ask, not turning around to face him.

"This. Not telling them that you've seeing me," Peter says. "You have to tell someone. Anyone."
"I can't."
"And why not?"
"Because I can't. You know I can't," I repeat, turning around to look him in the eye. "They all think you're dead."
"Alice, you've got to remember, it's important. I am dead. Please, I implore you, for your own sake and for the boys', tell someone."

"This isn't real. I'm dead."
I look down at the book in my hands, pretending to be interested in the plain cover.
"Alice, love, look at me," Peter pleads.
"I'm not here," he says when I finally find the courage to look into his eyes. "You know that, don't you?"

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