Chapter 5; Welcome To Storybrooke

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"It gives me strength to have someone to fight for; I can never fight for myself, but, for others, I can kill."

~ Emille Autumn


Alice's P.O.V


    "What'd he say?" I ask as Ray hangs up.
   "He said that he got cut off by the crowd," Ray tells me, slipping his phone into his pocket.
   "Maybe he was distracted," I mumble, thinking of the mystery girl he talked about.
   "What?" Ray asks, looking at me.
   "Oh, nothing," I say. "There's Will."
   "Sorry, the crowd split us up," Will says, rushing towards us.

   "It's fine," Ray assures his brother.
    "How's Lewis?" Will asks.
   I glance at the brunette leaning against the van. "He's, um, he just needs a few more hours of sleep."
   "I guess it's my turn to drive, huh?" Andrew says, following our line of sight.
   "Yup," Will says, handing him the keys to the van.

   "Don't worry, Drew," I say mockingly. "It's only a half an hour's ride."
    "If it's so close why don't you drive?" Andrew asks as he unlocks the front door.
   I shrug. "Nah, I prefer sleeping, you go ahead."
   Andrew mutters something under his breath as he gets into the car. Jerome then calls shotgun and gets into the van, sitting next to Andrew.

    Hunter and the twins do the same, filling up the second row. Lewis and Ray get in after them, filling up the back row. I hold the door open for Cassie to get inside, the slide in after him. I glance at Will, expecting to see him already inside the van, but he remains outside.
   "Will?" I stick my head out the door. "Are you alright?"

   "I'm just- Never mind, my head is just somewhere else," he says, getting into the car.
   "Ready to go?" Andrew asks, starting the car.
    "Yup," I reply, putting my seatbelt on.
    I to the side to face Will. "Did you see her again?"
   "I almost got her number, but she left when Ray called me," he tells me.

    I let out a frustrated sigh.
   That boy...
   "Ray would probably punch himself if he knew what he did," I say.
   "What? Why?" he asks me.
   "Oh, no reason," I say innocently.
   "Alice, what did he say?"
   I'm cut off by the van stopping abruptly. I immediately reach my arm out to make sure that Cassie doesn't fly forward.

    The sound of horns sounding in the air, causing the boys and I to cover our ears with our hands.
    "What the hell?!" Andrew exclaims, annoyed.
   "What?" I ask, leaning forward. "What happened?"
   Andrew groans, rubbing his temples with is fingers. "There's a block ahead, I think some idiot has a flat tyre."

   We all groan. "How long is it gonna take?" Lewis asks.
   Asa checks the time on his phone. "The average time for someone to change a tyre is fifteen to thirty minutes."
    Andrew slumps back on his seat. "Great, so we're gonna be here for another thirty minutes."
   "It could be fifteen," Asa says.
   "Yeah, I heard you," Andrew snaps.

   "Drew," Jerome chides.
   I roll my eyes, not bothering to say anything. We all know how cranky Andrew can get on the road, he's got to be the least patient person on the road I've ever met.
    Andrew checks his phone. "It's half past eleven now, we'll probably reach Storybrooke by twelve forty the latest."

    Will and I give each other a look then rummage through our bags, pulling out a book. Lewis shakes his head at us.
   "What?" we ask him.


    "Finally!" Andrew cries out, restarting the van.
   "Hey, Asa, what time is it?" I ask, leaning over the seat.
    Asa glances at his watch. "It's eleven fifty-five."
    "Thanks," I say, sitting back on the seat.
    I turn my body to the left so that I'm facing Will. "Still thinkin' about that mysterious beauty?"

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