Chapter 34; Childhood Nostalgia

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"Having a soulmate is not always about love. You can find your soulmate in friendship too."

~ (via @8.19 am on Instagram)


Alice's P.O.V


Camelot, Ballroom.
Six weeks ago...

    I look down at the drink in my hand, contemplating if I wanted to try it or not. I would've already tried it if it weren't for the fact that the smell coming from the fizzy-looking liquid puts me off.
    "Would you like to dance?"
    I look up from the glass, smiling when I see Will's extended hand. "I don't know. Wouldn't that make Tia jealous?"

   "Or is that what you're trying to do?" I tease.
    Will tenses but doesn't hesitate to reply. "I don't want you to be alone, and I'm sure she won't mind."
    "You know, you don't have to dance with me for me to not be alone, you could just stay here and talk to me," I say, absentmindedly taking a sip of my drink.

    The liquid burns my throat and I cough, using the hand that's not holding the glass to cover my mouth.
    "What's in that?" I sputter, trying my best not to gag.
    "How can anyone have such a strong reaction to five percent of alcohol?" Will asks, laughing at my disgusted expression. "Do you need a bucket or something?"

    "No. No, I'm good," I insist, placing the glass on the tray beside us.
    "Do you need a glass of water?"
    "No," I reply, not taking my hand off my mouth. I just need to focus on not projectile vomiting all over your shoes like how Cormac Mclaggen did to Professor Snape."
    Will chortles. "I forgot how much you disliked alcoholic drinks."
    "Its not my fault I hate them."

    "Even Cassie had a less violent reaction when I let him try it," he points out.
    I straighten my posture, narrowing my eyes at the bespectacled teenager. "You what?"
    "What?" Will's eyes widen when he realizes what he just said. "Did you hear that? I think I can hear Tia calling me. I should probably-"

    I grab his ear, preventing him from leaving.
    "Ow. Ow. Ow," he cries out.
    "You gave my son permission to try alcohol without consulting me first?"
    "It was only a little sip!" Will protests.
    "You didn't even ask if I was okay with it!" I fume.
    "I'm his Godfather, I didn't think that it's be that big of a deal. My parents always let me try alcohol all the time when I was a kid."

    "You should've asked me first," I repeat.
    "Okay, I will next time! Now let go of my freaking ear," Will exclaims.
    I give it once last tug before letting go.
    "Firstly, that hurt," Will says, rubbing his ear. "And secondly I'm eighteen years old, almost nineteen, you'd think that I'd be too old for something as juvenile as ear pulling."

    "You could at least aknowledge that I'm older than you are."
    "I'll start acknowledging your maturity when you start acting your age," I retort.
    "I am mature," he argues. "And I'll have you know that Cassie's completely alright."
    "Where is he?" I ask, realizing that I haven't seen him since we entered the ballroom.

   Will waves his hand dismissively. "He's fine. Last I saw him, he was with Tia."
    I sigh, looking at the faces that make up the crowd for the little boy who caused me to repremand his Godfather. I relax when I spot Tia in the crowd of people dancing but then did a double take when my brain finally registered who she was dancing with.

    It wasn't Cassie. It was Ray.

    My heart tightens when I see him smile at something Tia says.
    Will instantly senses the change in my mood and gives me a concerned look. "Alice, are you alright?"
    I turn back to face him but I must've been a second too late as Will manages to follow my gaze and see his older brother with Tia.
    "Are you okay?" he repeats, worry etched on his face.

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