Chapter 4; Road Trip

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"Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. But not knowing what to do is the worst kind of pain."

~ Paulo Coelho


Alice's P.O.V


    "Ready to go?"
    Cassie nods, closing his suitcase.
    "Tell dad to start the engine," I say, handing Cassie the keys. "I'll be downstairs in five minutes."
    "Okay, mommy," Cassie replies, wheeling his luggage out my room.
    I yawn, tying my hair into a loose ponytail. I make my way over to my bedside table, turning off my phone charger and placing it in my backpack.

    My eyes dart to the hallway at the sound of someone knocking on my door.
    "Oh, hi, Jerome."
    "Are you coming or are you staying with your books?" Jerome asks, leaning against the doorframe.
    I roll my eyes. "Trust me, if I wanted to stay I'd be in the library by now."
    "Touché," he scoffs.
    "Are they in the van yet?" I ask.

    "Yup," Jerome replies. "Lewis's on the phone with Jo."
    I furrow my eyebrows. "Jo? Waking up early? That doesn't sound like her."
    "Acutally, they haven't stopped talking since last night," he tells me, rubbing his eyes.
    "He's definitely gonna sleep on the ferry," I say, slinging my backpack over my shoulder.
    "He'll probably be out cold once he hangs up."

    I nod as we walk out the door. Jerome helps to lock the front door as I press the button for the lift.
    "What are you looking forward to on our trip?" I ask him as we step into the lift.
    He shrugs. "New surroundings?"
    "Really? Is Mr-Antisocial-Pessimist is going on a vacation just for sightseeing?" I ask.
    "Well, what do you think I'm going for?"

    "Girls?" I ask.
    He gives me a look.
    He coughs. "What?"
    I raise my hands in surrender. "Hey, there's no shame in being gay."
    "Oh, for the love of God, I'm not gay, Alice," Jerome says, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Just because I haven't had any relationships with anyone. It doesn't that I'm gay."

    "Okay. Okay. You don't have to explain yourself to me. It's perfectly fine for you to be attracted to-"
    "I'm not gay."
    I shrug. "M'Kay."
    Jerome sighs, giving up on the conversation. The elevator dings and the both of us walk out as the doors open.
   "I'm just saying, I'm not judging you for being gay."

    "Could you drop it, Alice?" he asks me as we approach the van.
   "Hey there, stranger," I greet, sticking my head through the window.
   "Hey, Alice. What were the two of you guys talkin' about just now?" Ray asks.
   Jerome sighs as he gets into the van. "Don't you start."

   "You can't blame a guy for being curious," Ray mumbles as he drives the van out of the driveway.
    "Well, curiosity killed the cat," Jerome says, putting on his seatbelt.
   "But satisfaction brought it back," Cassie counters.
   I ruffle up his hair, sitting beside him. "That's my boy."

   Jerome lets out a frustrated sigh, putting on his headphones. "I can never win with you people."
   I playfully stick my tongue out at him.
    "Mum, is uncle Lewis alright?" Isaac asks, turning back to face me.
   I nod, unsure. "Yes. Why wouldn't he be?"
   "Because he's not moving," Asa tells me.

   I cran my neck towards the row where Lewis and the twins are seated. My eyes dart to Lewis who rests his head against the window, his phone still in his hand. I smile, turning back to face the twins.
    "He's just tired," I tell them. "He'll be alright after a few hours of sleep."
   They nod.
   "Did dad pack your skateboards in the trunk?" I ask.

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