Chapter 7; Burgers & Gasoline

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"I don't want to be at the mercy of my emotions. I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them."

~ Oscar Wilde


Will's P.O.V


    "What was I supposed to say, again?"
    "Just tell her that I couldn't make it and hand her the parcel," Alice yells over the phone.
    I roll my eyes as I cross the road. "Yeah, and that's gonna be so easy."
    "Just do it!"
    "What's in the parcel anyway?" I ask. "More books?"
    "It's a dress."

    "Why do you own a dress?" I ask. "And more importantly, why did you bring one?"
    I hear Alice sigh. "I brought it 'cause I thought I could sell it here- look, it doesn't matter, just give her the dress and ask her if she'd mind you joining her."
    "And what if she says no?" I ask.
    "I doubt that, she's already there, it wouldn't hurt for you guys to hang out."

    "But what if she says no?" I ask, pushing the door to Granny's Diner opem. "You never know, she could be busy. She could-"
    "Hi, Willy," Tia calls out, looking up from her book.
    "Will? Will, you still there?"
    "I'm gonna call you back," I say, hanging up the phone.
    I turn off the notifications, then slip my phone into my pocket.

    "H-Hi, Tia. Would you mind if I sat down?" I ask, gesturing towards the empty seat across her.
    "Nope." She smiles, shaking her head. "Go ahead."
    "What are you doing here? Not that I'm complaining," she adds as I sit down.
    "Um, she wasn't feeling well," I tell her.
    "I hope it isn't too serious."

    "Oh, don't worry, she's fine." I say, I reach into my bag and pull out a parcel wrapped in dark brown recycle paper. "Alice asked me to pass this to you."
    She takes it from me. "What's inside it?"
    "I believe it's the dress that you guys were talking about," I say.
    "Thanks," she says, keeping it inside her black drawstring bag.

    My eyes dart at her outfit, drinking her appearance in. Her hair is tied up in a messy bun today and she's dressed in a red sports hoodie with the lacrosse logo. A pair of black tights hug her slender legs, complementing her figure.
    I blink, shaking my head. "Sorry, I didn't catch that. Could you repeat that please?"

    Tia laughs. "Oh, please. There's no need for formalities, I'm just a girl on vocation, not some Harvard principal."
    "I know," I say. "I just talk like that."
    "Well, I hope you'll be less formal by the time your vacation is over," she says.
    "We'll see."
    "Anyway, I asked you if you were hungry," she repeats. "Because I'm famished."

    "You haven't eaten yet?"
    "No, that's why I'm here. I'm supposed to be having lunch with Alice, remember?"
    Good job, Will. You're officially an idiot.
    Tia laughs as if reading my thoughts. "Would you like to join me? I mean, we're both already here anyways."

    "I'd like that," I say smiling.
    "Do wanna order a burger?" Tia asks. "I heard from my brother that Granny's Diner is famous for their burgers."
    I nod. "Sure."
    I follow Tia to the counter, waiting in line for our turn.
    "What can I get for you?" The old lady asks, not looking up from the cash register.

    My eyes dart at her nametag, catching a glimpse of the words Widow Lucas printed on the black nametag in white.
    "Two cheeseburgers, please," I say.
    "That'll be $15.50. Eating here or take away?" The lady asks, looking up. She stops halfway, when she catches a glimpse of my face.
    "Um, eating here," I say, confused as to why she's looking at me that way.

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