Chapter 8

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The lights flickered back on. Jacob slowly released his grip on me and let me go.

"C'mon, let's get you out of those wet clothes." I said. I walked over to my closet and pulled down a box full of clothes. The box was mostly filled with clothes my cousins left here when they visited. I pulled out a sweatshirt that said Virginia...but it wasn't my cousins. I looked a little closer and I noticed that it was Mark's. He left it here when he came to visit a couple of years ago. Oh god it still smelled like Mark. I gave it to Jacob. "Here, change into this."

"Thanks." Jacob said with a smile. I walked over to my bag and put away all of my school books. Jacob grabbed the bottom of his wet sweatshirt. His shirt came with it as he peeled the wet fabric from his body. The sweatshirt went over Jacob's head, dampening his hair slightly. "Where do you want me to put this?" He asked.

"Here I'll take it." I said. As I looked back towards him, I saw him just standing there shirtless. Wow, he grew up good. I walked over to him, trying hard not to look at his amazing body. As soon as I grabbed his wet shirt I turned around and headed towards my closet to look for a couple of hangars. By now the smile on my face grew wider and my cheeks turned bright red. After taking care of the clothes I returned to see a fully clothed Jacob again. He looked so good in the maroon color sweatshirt I gave him.

"Where do you want me to sleep?" He asked his voiced cracked just a little bit.

"Umm," I thought for a second, " you can sleep in my bed, with me!" A smile grew wide on his face.

"Ok!" He piped. I looked over at the clock. It was already 10:30. Jacob had already laid down on the bed. He looked at me. It was nice the way he looked at me all sweetly. He closed his eyes and smiled a cheesy smile.

"You're such a dork." I laughed.

"I am not!" He argued back laughing.

"Yes you are!" I picked up a pillow that fell on the ground and threw it at him. The pillow hit Jacob right in the face.

"Heyyyy!" He said laughing.

"Go to bed!" Laughter filled my voice.

"I can't go to bed until you're in my arms." He said trying to be charismatic but it was just said sweetly.

"Whatever!" I laughed. I walked over to the bed and got under the blankets. Jacob rolled right over to me and wrapped his arms tightly.

"You're just like a teddy bear." Jacob said. His voice cracking slightly.

"Thanks... I think." I said back. It has been awhile since I have truly laughed and smiled. Today wasn't just me faking it. It was me truly feeling happy. I turned off my lamp and started to close my eyes. As I was drifting off to sleep Jacob arms were no longer pulling me in for a hug. Jacob was no longer holding me. I could feel the blankets move and my eyes opened. I looked over at Jacob to see him sitting up.

"What are you doing?" I asked. My sounded tired and heavy.

"It's really hot in here so I was just taking off my sweatshirt." He said back. Although it was dark, I could see a slight shadow of him taking of his shirt. Within seconds his arms were wrapped around me. I could feel his muscles. My back was pressed against his chest. "Goodnight Callie, I love you so much." Jacob said sweetly.

"I love you too, Jacob." I said back. This was truly a dream come true. I was in the arms of the person that I love and that makes me feel safe. I was in a different state of mind. I was happy. I was safe. I quickly fell asleep knowing that the love of my life was going to be laying right next to me when I woke up tomorrow. This day turned out to be amazing.

EX-Bestfriend //Jacob SartoriusWhere stories live. Discover now