Chapter 10

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I walked to the front door in my swimsuit top and a pair of jean shorts. I opened up the door to see Hunter, Cameron, Taylor, Dylan, Brandon, and Blake standing on the porch.

"Well don't just stand there, c'mon in!" I opened the door wider for them and that slowly walked into my house. The boys walked into my house gawking at the sight of it.

"Woah!" Blake said sounding astonished. "It's so big!"

"That's what she said!" Hunter said laughing.

"You guys are so immature!"I laughed at their stupidity. I missed these guys and all of the fun nights that we use to have. Soon enough the doorbell rang again. I ran over to it. As I opened it, I saw a familiar face.

"Zach!" I said, my eyes lit up.

"Callie!" he said and picked me up for a hug. Just then Jacob had walked down the stairs to greet the guests. Jacob had looked over and saw Zach and I hugging. This made him jealous but he tried to brush it off as if nothing had ever happened. He knew that most of my friends were guys.

"It's so good to see you again!" I said to Zach as soon as he put me down.

"Yeah it has felt like forever since I saw you last!" He said.

"Yeah it was way before you had fans and you were just a lonely boy singing on the beach." I said with a huge grin on my face.

"That was forever ago!" Zach said laughing. "You do know that I'm kind of popular now."

"Oh my god, it's Zach Herron! I can't believe i'm meeting my idol!" I said sarcastically.

"Oh whatever! You know you're starstruck!" He said jokingly.

"Well, come on in!" Zach walked into the house. "Welcome to my humble abode." I said to him.

"Ohhh, look at Callie! She is using fancy words now!" Cameron joked. The door had swung open and in came marching Mark and Weston.

"Hello! I hope it's alright that I made myself at home!" Weston joked.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the famous Weston and his trusty sidekick Mark!" I said, laughter filled my voice. 

"Yup!" Weston chirped.

"So i'm his sidekick now?" Mark laughed.

"Yup!" Weston piped with a big, cheesy smile on his face.

"Wow, I feel so betrayed and hurt." Mark said, sarcastically grabbing his heart.

"You'll get over it." I joked. " Now some of my best friends will be coming and they know that they can just let themselves in so let's go get this party started! Sure enough, my friends showed up a little while after the party started.  "Guys these are my friends Sierra, Bella, and Sam. Please be nice."

"Well hello beautiful!" Blake said to Sam. Sam was about 5'5" with long blonde hair that was always in two boxer braids. She was very into dance and softball and was very fit. 

"You do know that it's going to take a lot more than just good look and calling me beautiful for me to actually like you." Sam said in her heavy Australian accent. Blake looked a little defeated by the wise words of Sam but I knew that deep down inside he was willing to do whatever it takes to get Sam to like him.

"Woah, you look like a Hawaiian goddess!" Cameron said to Sierra trying to sound cool but failing.

"Thanks, but I'm not Hawaiian." Sierra said politely. Sierra was about 5'3" with long dark brown hair and sun kissed skin. Although she was short, Sierra was an amazing softball player.  All of the boys were in shock with how pretty my friends were.  

"And guys, this is my friend Bella." I said. Bella didn't normally have to be introduced but she was very shy today due to the fact that she was meeting Mark, her favorite person in the entire world. Bella had light brown hair and was about 5'5". She was very pretty and also amazing at softball. "Bella, go up and talk to him." I whispered to her.

"But what if I embarrass myself?" Bella asked with a worried look on her face.

"You won't, I promise. Just go out there and be the outgoing person that I know and love." I said back restoring her confidence.

"Okay, I guess I can give it a try." She said. I walked over to Jacob. He was talking to Brandon.

"Sorry to interrupt but I was wondering if I could borrow Jacob for a second." I told Brandon. I grabbed Jacobs' hand and walked him inside. "Are we going to tell everybody about us?" I asked. I didn't want to keep "us" a secret.

"If you want to Callie. I'm just not ready to tell my fans. I want to give them a couple of days before I spring this news onto them." Jacob said without a smile.

"Ok, and I understand the fan thing give it a couple of days." I said. We walked back outside and things had returned to normal.

"So guys. Callie and I have something to tell you guys. Callie and I are now boyfriend and girlfriend." Jacob announced.

"Really! I don't believe you guys! Kiss and then I will!" Weston yelled. With that, Jacob pulled me in for a kiss. Everyone was cheering. When Jacob pulled away,I looked over at  Zach to see that his face,once smiling, had turned into a frown. He wasn't happy about something but I don't know what. I walked over to him.  

"Hey is everything alright?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I'm just tired that's all." Zach said back. I knew that something was wrong but he wouldn't tell me so the best thing to do is to brush it off and act like everything is okay. Although I really didn't want to do that, it would be better just to give him some space. He will come around and tell me when he feels ready, I just know it.

"Zach, come with me. I want to show you something." I grabbed Zach's hand and pulled him up from where he was sitting. I dragged him into my house.

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