Chapter 9

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The sun shined brightly throughout my bedroom. I turned on my side to face Jacob. His beautiful hazel eyes slowly opened. I grabbed his face and kissed him.

"Good morning beautiful!" He said. You could hear the tiredness in his voice.

"Good morning love!" I said back. Jacob leaned in for a kiss. His lips were soft. "What do you want for breakfast?" I asked.

"Chocolate chip pancakes!" He said.

"Well get your lazy butt out of bed and come down stairs with me. You're going to help me make them.!" I laughed.

"Ok!" Jacob jumped from the bed. "Last one there gets stuck doing the dishes!" He laughed. He was so childish sometimes but that was one thing I loved about him.

"Oh you're on!" I said running next to him."Wait, aren't you forgetting something." I asked.

"What?" He said back looking confused.

"How about a shirt!" I laughed.

"Nah, I don't need one. It's too hot." Jacob replied. And ran down the hallway . I ran quickly after him. Beating him to the kitchen.

"Looks like you'll be doing the dishes!" I laughed.

"How about we do them together?" Jacob tried to persuade me.

"How about..." Jacob pulled me in for a kiss interrupting me. "Fine." I said when Jacob's slowly pulled his lips away from mine.

"Yay!" He piped. Kissing me again. I look over to the kitchen counter to see a note that my parents left me.

"You're dad and I had to catch a plane out to states for your great aunts funeral. You didn't know her so don't worry about that. We will be home in a few days so don't worry too much. Mrs. Sartorius offered to check in on you every now and then. In the meantime, Jacob can stay there to keep you company. I know you two have catch up on all of the time you lost together. Have fun and stay out of trouble."

-Love Mom and Dad

Great. The house was all mine. I had older older twin sisters but they were in college so the house was completely mine.

"Well, good news. My parents are gone for awhile so you can stay here with me." I said.

"Yay! We are going to have so much fun!" Jacob's voice was filled with excitement. Jacob hugged me again. God how I loved being wrapped up in his arms.

"C'mon let's make the pancakes." I said. I grabbed the pancake mix and all of the ingredients, mixing it together. Jacob came from behind, wrapping his hands around mine and helping me stir. I smiled up at him. " So I was thinking that we could invite some people over to hang out." I told him.

"Like who?" He asked.

"Like Cameron, Dylan, Taylor, Blake and a few other people."

"Sure! I would love to hang out with all of them." He said.

"Well, once we are done with breakfast you can go grab your swimsuit cause I'm thinking that it's going to be a pool party." I said. Turning around to look into Jacob's beautiful hazel eyes.

"Sounds good!" Said Jacob and he leaned in for a kiss. When I kissed Jacob, it felt like time would stop and that we were the only two people in this world.

After a long process of eating and cleaning up we finally finished breakfast.

"Ok, I'll go text people the information." I told Jacob. "In the meantime, I'll drive you back to where your family is staying and you can grab your suitcase and all of your stuff."

"Ok! You're going to come in and say hi right?" Jacob asked.

"Of course!" I said back. "You are such a weirdo!"

"Am not!" He argued back. We arrived at the hotel and Jacob dragged me up the stairs to his hotel room. I said my hellos and Jacob quickly grabbed his suitcase. Soon enough we were on our way back to my house. By the time we got back, we only had an hour to get ready for the party. That hour quickly passed. All of a sudden I heard the doorbell ring.

EX-Bestfriend //Jacob SartoriusWhere stories live. Discover now