Chapter 17

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The guys trampled into the closet, hopping over one another to get a better view. The closet was bigger than the bedroom. Clothes racks lined 3 of the 4 walls from head to toe. They held all sorts of clothes from casual clothes to leotards and tutu's. I had everything. Taylor leaned up against a part of the wall, accidentally pushing a button that cause my wall of shoes to come moving forward, exposing more shoes.

"HOLY BALLS!!" Mark yelled. "Her wall moves!"

"Her wall moves okay but where is Callie? I don't see her." Cameron said very concerned.

"She's probably hiding...look around." Taylor said and all of the boys started looking around. Looking through the racks of clothing. Blake looked up to see a rope hanging down from the ceiling that lead to what they thought could be an attic.

"Guys, I think she's up there." Blake said while pointing towards the rope.

"Well don't just stand there like an idiot, open it up!" Taylor yelled. Blake grabbed the rope and pulled down the stairs that led to the attic. The guys walked up the stairs.

"Callie areyou okay?" Cameron asked. 

"Yeah, I'm fine why wouldn't I be?" I questioned the guys although I knew why they thought that I wasn't okay.

"Really? Cause it didn't seem like you were okay after the whole Jacob situation." Taylor said. 

"Oh, you guys saw that?" I asked.

"Yeah Callie we did. You seemed pretty upset about it. And so did Jacob." Cameron said, his voice was filled with concern.

"I'm fine!!!" I snapped. "Can we just not talk about Jacob anymore!?" The boys all had surprised looks on their faces.

"Can w-" Dylan started.

"Can we please just drop the situation?" I interupted, this time raising my voice. The boys stood there in silence, probably surprised that I had wasn't opening up to them. "Now, I'm going to go somewhere. Please, don't follow me. I just want to be alone." I ran down the attic steps and out the front door.

I started down the beach, running as fast as I possibly could when something caught the corner of my eye. I started slowing down and walking towards it. There were a bunch of girls girls crowded together and lights flashing. I walked towards the back of the crowd without being noticed.

"We are offically a couple..." 

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" The girls were chanting. I pushed myway through the crowd to see Jacob and Luna standing there on the beach kissing with a bunch of paparazzi taking their pictures. They kissed and I just stood there. My stomach dropped and my knees locked. I couldn't move. It had felt as if someone had just ripped my heart out of my chest. He never wanted to be seen in public with me even before we were dating. I stood there frozen just looking at them until someone recongnized me. 

"Hey, I know you! You're Callie Logan!" A fan said. I put my finger up to my lips and shook my head, begging her to please not tell anyone. I quickly pushed my way to the back and started to run before anyone else noticed me. While running, I looked back to see if anyone was coming when I hit something and fell down. I immediatly got back up to see that I knocked down a really cute guy. I grabbed his hand and helped him up.

"Sorry, I am such a clutz!" I said as I helped him brushed the sand off. I was so embarrassed.

"It's okay. It didn't hurt that bad." He joked.

"I'm Callie by the way." I said introducing myself.

"Callie... that is such a beautiful name." He said looking into my eyes.

"Thank you!" I blushed and looked away. His smile was so pretty. 

"I have to go but it was nice meeting you Callie. Hopefully I'll see you again." He said as he started to walk away.

"Wait!!! What's your name?!" I yelled. He turned his head back and smiled.

"It's Zachary but you can call me Zach!" He yelled back. I smiled as he turned to walk away. Well Zach... I hope I see you again.

EX-Bestfriend //Jacob SartoriusWhere stories live. Discover now