Chapter 12

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It was about two in the afternoon and it was very hot. Sam, Sierra, Bella, and I were relaxing in the sun while the guys were messing around in the pool. Before long, the boys were no longer being loud. It was kind of nice but kind of weird at the same time. Within a couple of seconds, I felt wet hands grabbing my hands and legs. I opened my eyes to see Weston grabbing my legs and Mark grabbing my hands and running over to the pool.

"No! Don't do this! Put me down!" I screamed with laughter. Mark and Weston stopped for a second and looked up at each other as if they were considering to put me down.

"Nope!" They said at the exact same time and threw me into the water.  The water was ice cold but it felt good to get out of this heat. I came up out of the water quickly to see that everyone, even Jacob was laughing. I smiled because Mark and Weston got me pretty good. I pulled myself out of the water and stood up to grab my towel when a feeling of mischief came over me.  I looked back to see that Jacob had his back turned towards me and so did everyone else. They were all standing right next to the pool when I figured out who my target was going to be. I ran over and pushed Zach into the pool. He made a loud splash. Sam had then run over near Weston and pulled him into the pool with her. I ran over to go try and push Jacob in but when I was just inches away, he grabbed my hand and pulled me in with him. Clever move. Soon everyone had jumped into the pool. Jacob and I had swam back under and opened our eyes at the exact same time. He grabbed me and and kissed me while underwater. Oh, it was so romantic. We were still kissing when we surfaced again. I pulled away.

"What did you do that for?" I questioned. Jacob smiled and looked away.

"I did it because I love you!" Jacob said with the sweetest smile plastered on his face. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I love you too." I said and kissed him again. Before long, the sun started to set and we sat around the campfire roasting marshmallows and making s'mores. As night fell it started to get kind of chilly. Jacob could feel me shivering so he gave me his sweatshirt and wrapped his arms around me, keeping me safe and keeping me warm. I looked over to see that Sam and Weston were sitting with each other and Mark and Bella were too. Sam was sitting in Weston's sweatshirt with Weston's arm around her waist. Bella and Mark were getting pretty cozy over there. I also saw Blake sitting on Hunter's lap as a joke. Blake and Hunter are best friends so it is kind of what we expect from them. I laughed at them. I looked up at Jacob to see the reflection of the fire in his eyes. They were so pretty. He didn't notice that I was looking at him because he was too interested in the fiasco that Blake and Hunter were causing. Jacob laughed. God, I loved his laughed so much. Jacob soon looked down down at me and smiled his beautiful smile. Our lips touched and sparks flew. It was amazing how it felt like the whole world stopped when I was with Jacob.

"Well, it's getting late. You guys can just all stay the night here. It will give me some company since I have this big house all to myself." I said. The fire burnt out and we all went inside. I grabbed a whole bunch of blankets and pillows to sleep on. We all ended up watching a scary movie after we got our sleeping quarters all set up. Sam made us the popcorn and we turned of all of the lights. Jacob jumped into my arms arms a couple of times while I laughed at how stupid Blake and Hunter were acting. Every time there was a jump scare, one of them would jump into the other ones arms and would be cradled like a baby. They were truly such idiots. The movie was soon over and we all fell asleep. One right after another until Jacob and I were the only two awake. He wrapped me up into his arms and held me tightly.

"Goodnight Callie. I love you!" Jacob said.

"Goodnight Jacob.I love you more!" I told him.

"I don't think that is possible. I love you more than words can describe." He argued back.

"Shhhh...they are sleeping," I whispered back. "Now get some sleep." I told him and we both drifted off.

EX-Bestfriend //Jacob SartoriusWhere stories live. Discover now