Chapter 47

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I talked with my grandparents for a little while longer before they split to go to brunch with some of their friends at their country club. I walked back into the kitchen, eyeballing Jared.

"So that's why you were wearing pants." I stated.

"Of course! I can't let my in laws see me in my chonies!" He laughed.

"You're such an idiot!! Has anyone ever told you that?" I chuckled. Jared let out a sarcastic laugh which turned into a genuine one as he stuck his middle finger up at me. I finished grabbing the rest of my stuff and packed it into my brand new car. Jared even got off his lazy ass and helped me with some.

"I think that's the last of it." I sighed. As we walked back into the house to grab my phone.

"You sure you have to leave so soon?" Jared questioned. I just nodded. I knew he would understand. "Well I guess I'll see you in a few weeks." He added.

"Yeah, of course. I wouldn't miss you're big day." Jared pulled me into a hug and as he released I headed for the door.

"Wait!" He blurted and I stopped dead in my tracks. "Don't you want to say goodbye to Allie?"

"Nah she made her decision. She doesn't agree with what I'm doing so she won't say goodbye cause god forbid she be a normal human for once and support something other than her than herself." I said in an irritated tone. Jared just frowned. "Don't feel bad that she didn't say goodbye. Remember it is her choice not yours." He exhaled a sigh of relief and followed me out side. I got into the car and as I pulled out of the driveway, I watched as he waved goodbye. "Don't be a baby!! I'll see you in 2 months!" I yelled out my window as I drove past the house and down the street. The boys' house was only an hour away from my sisters but due to L.A traffic that one hour would quickly turn into a 2 and a half hour drive stuck in awful traffic.

After what felt like forever, I finally arrived at the house. I pulled into the driveway and grabbed my phone exiting the car and walking up to their door. I rang the doorbell and waited a mere 5 seconds before someone answered the door which was a new record for the boys. Corbyn pushed open the door and motioned for me to come in. "Zach!!!" He yelled.

"What?!" Zach yelled back walking towards the door as if he were annoyed that he actually had to get up from the couch for once. That was until he saw me. His mouth opened slightly and his eyes grew wide. "No way!!" He exclaimed.

"Surprise!!" I said as my smile grew wider. Zach ran to me picking me up in a hug and spinning me around without letting go.

"Callie!! I can't believe you're here you weren't supposed to be here for another 2 months!" Zach exclaimed in a surprised tone.

"I know but I couldn't wait any longer to see you" I replied.

"Really?" Zack asked hopeful.

"No!" I laughed. "I mean I missed you guys I definitely won't deny that but I had to do what was best for me in the time being. If I had to spend one more day at my sister's house I think I might have gone insane." That was true. My sanity was at stake just being around my sister. "But hey, I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere for the time being!"All Zach could do was smile and it was the same for me.

"I really missed you Callie!" Zach said.

"I missed you too Zach." With that he pulled me into another hug. As we pulled away from the hug Jonah walked into the room.

"What's all this ruckus - ohhh!" He exclaimed as he caught sight of me. All I could do was smile cause these boys made me so happy. "Callie!"

"Jonah!" I ran into his arms. "Did you get taller?" I questioned with a laugh.

"I think you just got smaller!" He bantered back.

"Ouch that was a low blow!" I laughed. Daniel and Jack were soon to follow in the greeting all saying hi and hugging me. The boys followed me to my car to help grab my things but of course, boys being boys, they started to fangirl over the car itself rather than actually help me. I had managed to bring in almost all of my stuff while the boys drooled over the car.

"Hey! Get drool on the car and your dead!" I joked as Daniel wiped the corner of his mouth and laughed.

"Hehe sorry." He chuckled stepping back.

"Hey Cal, you think I could drive it?" Zach questioned.

"Never in a million years pretty boy!" I yelled as I brought the last of my stuff in.

"Dude stop blushing!" I could hear Jack say to Zach as I placed my suitcase inside the house.

"Shut up!" Zach playfully shoved Jack. "I'm not blushing my cheeks are just naturally red!"

"Y'all want to take it for a spin?" I asked and their faces just lit up.

"Hell yeah!" They all said in unison.

"Where to?" Corbyn added.

"The beach sound good?" I questioned. With a quick nod of their head, they all ran inside and put on their swim trunks. I myself followed an put on I black bikini top wrapped around the ribs and bottoms with pineapples on them, throwing on a pair of shorts and a tank top over it. By the time I got dressed, the guys had already stuffed themselves into the car. Well all except one, Zach, who was standing by the front door holding the keys giving me puppy dog eyes.

"Hand em over!" I stuck out my hand as I walked towards him. He then stuck out his lip and made it quiver. "I'm not falling for your games Herron." I chuckled. After what felt like forever he finally accepted defeat and handed over my car keys. I started up the car as Jonah, who was sitting in the front seat, blasted his music and he did so the entire car ride, but he had good taste in music so I can't complain. As I pulled into the parking lot the sun started to lower.

"What better time to be at the beach than sunset." Daniel stated.

"I know its beautiful!" I exclaimed, parking the car. Everyone trampled out and took in the beauty of the scenery.

"It's absolutely amazing!" Zach exclaimed. "Just like Callie..." He mumbled. I don't think anyone else heard it, or maybe they did they just didn't care, but all that I knew is that I heard it. But he would never find out that I knew what he said.

EX-Bestfriend //Jacob SartoriusWhere stories live. Discover now