Chapter 48

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We walked down to where the waves were gently crashing into the sand, sitting down and letting the cool water of the Pacific Ocean wash over our feet. We caught up with each other talking about life and what was happening. I made most of the focus on the boys, who would be going on tour in three months. I was also hoping that they would tell me when they were dropping their first album but that was a secret they refused to tell. I thought I had gotten out of talking about my life but like always, I was wrong.

"So Callie how's life?" Jack asked.

"Ugh!!" I sighed. "I really would rather not talk about it."

"Oh come on, Callie. You know you can tell us anything right." Corbyn insisted.

"I know but - "

"But what?" Daniel interrupted.

"Fine!" I stammered. "To be completely honest my life has been shit for the past 4 months."

"What? Why?" Daniel asked concerned.

"I'm surprised you guys haven't heard - " I was cut off again, this time by Jack.

"Heard what?" Jack questioned.

"The shit show that my life has been recently. It's all over the tabloids. The fights I got into, the rumors, the drama. I mean for fucks sake my on again off again boyfriend got one of my friends pregnant and I didn't even find out about it till a couple of weeks ago. Then the rumors flipped to I'm pregnant cause I took my friend to her doctors appointment and they thought it was for me and I haven't commented on her pregnancy cause it's not my secret to tell so I'm being questioned about that. Then my sister unleashed her crazy when I decided to make a decision for myself and-" I could feel my face getting hot as I explained everything to the guys. I could feel the tears start forming in my eyes but I was done crying over Jacob and I especially didn't want to cry in front of the guys. "No you know what, I'm done throwing a pity party for myself!" I exclaimed telling the truth. "I got to see people for who they really are, I dodged a bullet, and more importantly, I get to not only hang out with my five best friends but I get to live with them and live my life the way I want to. I get to be me for once! I'm really happy right now and I'm not lying." I smiled. One single tear, a happy tear, rolled down my cheek as I looked of into the beautiful sunset that was laying on the water. I stood up shaking off the past really quickly and started towards the water. "C'mon losers! Let's go!" I exclaimed. Daniel, Corbyn, and Jack were soon to follow. Jonah started to get up but stopped when he realized that Zach was still just sitting there. I splashed Corbyn and he picked me up throwing me into the water. Laughter filled the air. For the first time in a very long time I was happy.

"You good bro?" Jonah asked Zach

"Yeah bro, why wouldn't I be?" Zach questioned.

"Okay,what's up?" Jonah asked but he already knew so he quickly answered his own question. "Oh, I know what it is! You like Callie." All Zach could do was blush.

"Sh-she's beautiful, Jonah!" Zach stuttered.

"I know bro!" Jonah laughed.

"And she's happy!" Zach exclaimed and a smile came across his face. "She makes me really happy!" Jonah just laughed and shook his head, nudging Zach to get up. Zach hesitated for a slight second then got up following Jonah to the water.

"Come on pretty boy!" I said as I grabbed Zach's arm and dragged him further into the water with me. Zach's eyes glistened with the colors of the sunset as he stared off into the abyss and all I could do was stare up at him and smile. He, makes me really happy. He, is my best friend. He, is my new beginning.

EX-Bestfriend //Jacob SartoriusWhere stories live. Discover now