Chapter 22

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We walked to the parking lot and started walking towards my car.

"Why are we in the parking lot? Shouldn't we be walking?" Zach asked with a look of confusion plastered on his face. 

"Why would we walk when I can drive?" I asked. 

"You can drive? But you're only 14!" Zach exclaimed.

"Yeah and I've had my license since  I was twelve and a half." I said. I unlocked my car door and got in. Zach followed into the passenger seat. I backed out of the parking lot and started on down the road. Zach turned up the radio as the song "Closer"  by the chain smokers came on.

"Hey. I was doing just fine before I met you. Drank too much and that's an issue but I'm okay. Hey. Tell your friends it was nice to meet them but I hope I never see them again. I Know it breaks your heart. Moved to the city in a broke down car. 4 years no call and now you're looking pretty in a hotel bar and I can't stop. No, I-I-I can't stop. So baby pull me closer in the back seat of your rover, that I know you can't afford.Bite that tattoo on your shoulder. Pull the sheets right off the corner. Of the mattress that you stole. From your roommate back in Boulder. We ain't ever getting older." Zach and I were having a full out jam session until we pulled into the parking lot. We got out of the car and started walking down the pier to the cafe. Zach grabbed my hand and our fingers intertwined as we walked.

"Where are we going?" Zach asked.

"Well you haven't truly eaten Australian food until you have eaten at the Ocean View Cafe so I thought I would take you there." I said. Within minutes, we walked through the doors of the cafe. We sat down at a table. I glanced over the menu, already know what I wanted as Zach inspected it more throughly. The waiter shortly came over.

"Hey Callie, what can I get for you today?" The waiter asked.

"Hey Carson," I replied, "I'll have the bacon and egg roll with vegemite on toast." I told Carson.

"I'll have..." Zach paused for a moment, "I'll have what she's having." Carson grabbed our menus and walked back to the kitchen. Carson quickly walked back out with our food and placed it on our table.

"What's this brown stuff on my bread?" Zach asked with a disgusted look plastered across his face.

"That's vegemite!" I said as I took a bite of my toast. "It's really good. Just try it!"

"Okay..." Zach slowly brought the toast up to his mouth but paused. "I don't know if I should trust you."

"Just eat it!" I encouraged. Zach bit into his toast and a sour look went across his face. He swallowed the toast slowly.

"That's nasty!" He exclaimed. "How do you guys eat this stuff?!"

"Like this!" I said as I took another bite of my toast.

"Uhhh!! That's nasty!"

"Whatever!" I laughed. We were halfway through our breakfast when all of a sudden, the cafe started filling up with teenage girls, reporters, and camera guys. I had a gut instinct that I knew they weren't for us but I was insanely curious for who they were for. "Was it Cameron Dallas? Probably not. Was Taylor Swift here? Highly  unlikely." I thought to my self. The doors opened and my mouth dropped to the floor.  I could not believe who just walked in, Jacob, and to make the matter worse, Luna was around his arm, clinging to him as if she were a snake strangling her victim. Oh wait, she was and Jacob was the victim. Zach turned his head to see what the fuss was all about.

"Callie, are you okay?" Zach asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine.  Why wouldn't I be?" I asked trying to shake off the look that I had on my face.

EX-Bestfriend //Jacob SartoriusWhere stories live. Discover now