Chapter 31

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I pulled away from Ethan. "I have to go talk to Jacob, I'll be right back." I said and then sprinted off towards the house. I quickly ran up the stairs and towards Jacob's room. When I got there, the door was locked. I pulled a Bobby pin out if my hair and picked the lock on his door. I walked right in.Jacob was faced his back towards me as he looked at his computer screen. "Jacob... I know you may hate me right now but we need to talk. I'm so sorry." I said holding back tears. Jacob didn't say anything back. "Please answer me." I asked.

"Why" he said quietly.

"I-I don't know," I replied. Tears were streaming down my face as I took a deep breath before I started to talk again. "I was being stupid. I was being a smart ass. I'm so sorry."

"Sorry doesn't cut it."

"I know. I know that it may take you awhile to forgive me but I hope that you one day will." I said back, wiping the tears off my cheek.

"Forgive you? How could I. You broke my heart Callie. You ripped it out of my chest and crushed it into a million little pieces. You were my everything Callie. And now your nothing." He yelled angrily.

" don't mean that." I said quietly.

"Get out! Get the hell out of my room right now! I never want to talk to you again! I hate you! On fact I never want to see you again. The sight of you right now makes me sick."


"Leave I never want to see you again." He said.

"Okay." I replied back. Tear were flowing down my face and my throat felt like it was closing up. I shut his door and ran down the stairs. I quickly ran out of his house.

"Callie!! Where are you going?!" Ethan and Cody yelled. I looked back for a split second to see them and ran off faster than I ever had. I could hear slight foot steps running after me and I assumed they were Ethan and Cody but I didn't care. I ran as fast as I could to mine and Jacob's secret spot. It was this beautiful tree house that we (our parents) built in the woods near our house. I found it and climbed the tree as quick as I could hopefully escaping Ethan and Cody. I hoped into the tree house and just sat in the corner. Arms cradled my legs as I buried head into my knees. I had lost any cool I had left by now and started sobbing. Tears were flowing down my face at a tremendously fast pace and my body shook. What did I just do?

EX-Bestfriend //Jacob SartoriusWhere stories live. Discover now