Chapter 40

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I entered the airport and headed over to the ticket pickup to grab the ticket that I purchased while on my way over. I was able to grab one of the last tickets for the earliest fight out to Virginia which happens to leave in about thirty-five minutes. I got through customs as quick as I could and boarded the plane with only five minutes left to spare. I put my duffle bag in the compartment above my seat and sat down, fastening my seat belt. We took off and before I knew it we were in the air. I was on my way back to Virginia and there as no stopping it now. I slept the entire 5 hours that it took to fly into Washington D.C because that was going to be the only sleep I got tonight. I arrived at the airport at seven in the morning, quickly getting off and getting an Uber to take me to Maia's house in Virginia. The car ride to Maia's house went by quickly, given it takes forty-five minutes to get from the airport in D.C. to her house. It was about eight in the morning when I finally arrived at her house. I paid the Uber and he drove off, leaving me at Maia's house. I slung my duffle bag that I had brought with me over my shoulder and went around to the back of her house to climb through her bedroom window. I opened up the window to Maia's room and climbed through it, dropping my duffle bag an her floor as she walked into her room.

"Umm...Callie?! What are you doing here?!" Maia asked surprised.

"I had to come and see you after I heard the big news." I stated. Maia pulled me into a hug and immediately started crying.

"I'm so sorry Callie!" She cried into my shoulder. I pulled back from the hug, wiping the tears from her eyes.

"Hey, hey, hey. Stop crying. You're gonna be alright." I said sympathetically.

"I should have never slept with Jacob." She said regretfully.

"How long has this thing between you and Jacob been going on?"

"Since a couple of weeks before he went off to Australia."

"So how far along are you?"

"About eight weeks."

"Have you been to the doctor yet?"

"No." She stated bluntly.

"Why not!" I exclaimed.

"Because I don't know what to do! Two people know! You and my best friend Blair. I have no one to take me to the doctor and I don't know how my parents will react when they find out. Callie, I'm scared." Tears welled up in her eyes.

"I'm gonna call and make you an appointment for today. I am gong to take you and be by your side in the doctors office, okay. I'm here for you Maia just know that." Maia just nodded her head and hugged me again. I pick up my phone and dialed the number that Maia gave me to reach a doctor's office. *RING*RING*

"Vanguard Specialists, this is Laura speaking. How may I help you?" A voice said over the phone.

"Hi, I would like to make a prenatal appointment for Maia Wellington. How soon do you think you could get her in?" I asked.

"I can squeeze her in today at ten o'clock." Laura replied.

"That would be perfect, thank you so much." I said before hanging up the phone. "Well, Maia, I go you an appointment today at ten 0'clock  so be ready. Do you have a car that I could use to drive you there?" I asked Maia.

"Umm, you can probably us Cody's. He's in D.C. at a baseball tournament right now with my parents." Maia replied casually.

"Is Ethan in D.C. too?" I asked hoping that he was.

"Yeah," Maia replied casually. I sighed with a breath of relief. Ethan and I haven't talked since the kiss and I knew things would be awkward between us if he was around.

"Okay, go get ready. We have to leave soon. " I said as I left her room and went downstairs to the kitchen to get some food. I made a quick protein shake and ate a banana before cleaning up all of the dishes in the house. I went and changed my clothes since I still had on what I was wearing the night before for the interview. I too, went and took a shower. While Maia used her personal bathroom, I went and used the bathroom that her brothers shared cause it was the only one open. Maia's younger twin sister's were using the main bathroom and I did not feel comfortable using her parents bathroom since it was the only other bathroom in her house with a shower. I made my shower quick and put on a pair of blue, ripped skinny jeans, a paste pink tank top with lace detail across the bottom, a pair of pastel pink t-strap sandals, and finished the outfit off by wearing my gold charm bracelet, a headband with pink flowers, and a gold necklace with three pearls. I curled my hair and then combed out the curls to achieve nice beach waves and I applied a fair amount of make up to my face; foundation, concealer, bronzer, highlight, eye shadow with a golden hue, mascara, brows, and finished it off with a coral lip stain. Maia and I both got done getting ready at about the same time and it was time to leave for her appointment. I grabbed the key to Cody's car and drove off with Maia in the passengers seat. "So, have you thought about what you are going to do with the baby?" I asked.

"No?! I mean, I know what the options are I just don't know what to do. Callie, I'm fifteen and I'm pregnant and I know teens raise children all of the time but I don't know if I'm ready for that yet. I mean I have aspirations and things I want to do with my life before I have kids." Maia explained.

"I know just know that whatever you decide  will be there to support you." I replied. We entered the parking lot and walked into the doctors office with about ten minutes left to spare. "Hi, we have appointment for Maia Wellington at ten o'clock." I said to the lady at the front desk.

"Okay, you are all checked in. I just need you to sign this paperwork." She said as she handed me the paperwork which I immediately handed to Maia. Maia and I sat down in the waiting room and I scrolled through Instagram while she filled out the papers. Maia did so fairly quick.

"Maia Wellington, Dr. Suiter will see you nw." A lady said as she opened up a door. Maia and I followed the lady through the door, down the hallway, and into the examination room. Maia sat upon the bed and I sat in the single chair in the corner of room. The lady that brought us back to the room took Maia's temperature and blood pressure. "Dr. Suiter will be right in." The lady said as she left the room. Maia and I sat in awkward silence as we waited for the doctor. We waited for maybe five minutes before Dr. Suiter walked into the room.

"Hello Maia, I'm Dr. Suiter. Would you please lie back and lift your shirt off of your stomach." She said as Maia did so. "This gel will be a little cold. How far along are you?" Dr. Suiter asked while applying the gel to Maia's stomach.

"About eight weeks I think." Maia replied as Dr. Suiter started the ultrasound.

"Well, Maia," she started. "You're estimate is close but not right. It looks here that you are exactly ten weeks pregnant. But you're still not showing much which I find strange."

"Why is that strange? I looked it up and I've heard that people do not really start showing much until they are twelve to sixteen weeks pregnant." Maia said worriedly. Dr. Suiter just scanned Maia's stomach, studying every picture that came up on the screen.

"Well it is strange for multiples to wait so long before they start showing." Dr. Suiter stated. Maia had a confused look on her face.

"What do you mean by multiples?!" Maia exclaimed.

"If you look closely, you'll see baby number one and baby number two." She said as she pointed them out. "Congratulations Maia, you'll be welcoming two bundles of joy to your family instead of just one!" The doctor exclaimed. "Now you are still very small but you can expect to see much more growth of you belly quicker. Meaning that once you starts showing a significant bump your growth will rapidly increase." The doctor said wiping off the gel that she put on  Maia's stomach and handing her the picture of the ultrasound. "Come back in five weeks and we will be able to determine the gender of the babies. Until then, Maia I wish you luck and I will see you soon."

"Twins...." Maia sat there stunned. "I'm having twins." She said in disbelief.

"C'mon Maia lets get you home." I grabbed Maia's arm and walked her out of the doctors office and to the car.

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