Chapter 27

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The next couple of days were pretty uneventful. Jacob and I spent it together hanging out, broadcasting, and making YouTube videos. It was nice just to hang out with him like we used to. Within those days, I packed my bags for my flight. I was scheduled to stay in Virginia for a week then head to Philidelphia to appear as a special guest on the Digi Tour and then hit New York for The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. Then after that I head out to L.A for the Late Late Show with James Corden. It was going to be a really busy couple of months s I was glad that I was getting some down time with Jacob right now. It was perfect. I was with the guy I loved and nothing could go wrong.

~~~~ 2 Days Later ~~~~

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock going off. I carfully lifted Jacob's arm off my waist and ran into the shower. Making the shower quick, I did my hair and makeup. Keeping everything simple today, I put my hair into a pony tail, did my eyebrows and put on mascara. I put on my leggings but I couldn't find my shirt. I forgot to grab my shirt. Without thinking, I walked out of the bathroom and into my room with just my leggings and a bra on. I walked into my closet and grabbed out aqua blue longsleeve tee shirt from Pink. I put it on and walked out of my closet and over to my bed to wake  up Jacob. I whispered "wake up" into his ear.  Jacob opened his eyes. I leaned down to kiss him and he grabbed me, pulling me down on top of him without breaking the kiss. I pulled away.

"Well good morning to you too." I said smiling.

"Your smile is so pretty, you know that." Jacob smiled. I blushed.

"Get up boy, we have a plane to catch." I laughed.

"Okay, okay." He said slowly getting out of bed. He stood up and wrapped his arms around my waist and pressed his bare body against mine. He placed his chin on top of my head and kissed it. I loved the feeling that I got every time that I was in his arms. We both pulled away. " Okay, I guess I'll go get ready now."

"It's about time!" I laughed. Jacob slowly walked towards the bathroom but he paused at the door.

"Callie, I have a question. When did you get such nice abs?" He asked.

"You saw that?" I blushed.

"And what a treat it was to wake up to that." Jacob smiled and winked at me before walking away.

While Jacob was in the shower, I made my bed and straightened up the rest of my house. Jacob was soon ready to go.

"You ready?" I asked.

"Yup." He replied and we headed out the door. Our uber drove us to the airport. We arrived and tons of fans were there. Screaming and crowding when they saw us. I put on my sunglasses and grabbed my luggage from the back of the Uber. The guys and I walked through a a narrow passage way that was created for us by the security guards pushing the fans out of our way. More fans crowded inside of the airport. It was really cool to see all of these fans come out to see us.  I stopped along the way, taking pictures with a few but I new I had to get to my flight so I made it quick. I was able to get through security pretty easy and it didn't take long to board the flight. We were supposed to be flying coach but for some unknown reason, we all got moved up to first class. Jacob and I coincidentally had our seats next to each other and Blake, Mark, Cameron, Taylor and all the rest of the guys had seats near us. I don't know how this set up happened but we got very lucky.

I spent most of the flight sleeping and when I wasn't sleeping, I was vlogging.

"Hey guys," I said into my camera. "So I am on my flight to the U.S right now and as you can see, I have all of my friends near me." I panned the camera over the guys. Some were awake and waving at me and other were sound asleep with interesting looks on their faces. I put the camera back on me. I looked over again Jacob and then I scooted over putting both of us in the frame. Jacob was sleeping. "Look at how cute he is guys! He's like a little teddy bear." I said into the camera. I kissed his cheek. He slowly started to wake up from his nap. Jacob rubbed the sleep from the corner of his eyes.

"Hey babe." He said to me. You could hear the hoarseness of his voice that came from him just waking up.

"Say hi to the vlog!" I said quietly.

"Hey, guys." He said sleepily. Then he grabbed my chin and turned it towards him and kissed me. I turned off the vlog camera.

"Wow they're really gonna like this vlog." I said to him smiling.

"You know, I have to put on a show for the camera." Jacob said smiling. I blushed hard. Then we both fell asleep again. My head layed on top of Jacob's shoulder as I cuddled up next to him resting up. We had about 8 hours left to go.

EX-Bestfriend //Jacob SartoriusWhere stories live. Discover now