Chapter 46

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I jerked awake to the sound of my phone being blown up. Tweet after tweet, text after text, Snapchat after Snapchat, you name it. I was getting notifications from everything. A gut wrenching feeling soon fell upon me. I couldn't remember much from the day before probably because I was exhausted and the only thing I could think of is "what did I say??" Panic instantly ran through my body and my stomach dropped to the floor. The moment I opened up the phone the top story was "Callie Logan was seen walking out of a women's health clinic...Is she the pregnant one in the love triangle between her, Jacob Sartorious, and his next door neighbor??" Fuck! At least that's was the first word to come to mind. In order to save Maia's pregnant ass they flipped the story around and pinned it on me. "You've got to be kidding!!" I thought to myself. I can't let this get any worse than it already is. I have to tell the truth about Maia even if it puts her in a bad place. I can't continue to take the heat for her actions and decisions.

I quickly took a shower and got ready for the day, hair, makeup, clothes, and dragged all of my stuff downstairs near the front door. I walked into the kitchen to grab a banana before I headed off to my new home and as I walked in the kitchen like I did every morning, I noticed something was different. Jared had pants on, which he never does in the morning. "Why are you wearing pants?" I was quite confused.

"Cause you kept telling me I should wear pants in the mornings." He replied nonchalantly.

"Yeah but you never listen...Jared, what's going on? Are you okay? Are you sick?"

"I'm fine!" He chuckled. "What's with all the stuff by the door?" He asked changing the subject.

"I'm moving out today." I replied. "I'm surprised Allie didn't tell you."

Jared shrugged his shoulders, "She never tells me anything anymore." He sighed. Just then the doorbell rang. "Callie go get it!" Jared ordered.

"Yeah, yeah. It's not like I expect you to get off your lazy butt and do it yourself." I sarcastically laughed and headed towards the door. I turned the knob and pulled open the door.

"Surprise!!" The visitors yelled.

"Grandma?! Grandpa?!" I was shocked I hadn't seen these guys in almost 6 years which felt like a lifetime.

"How's our little star?" My grandpa asked.

"She's not so little anymore, Hank." My grandma replied for me.

"You're absolutely right, Shirley. Our star is all grown up!" I pulled the both of them into a hug.

"Come in!" I gestured for them to come inside and as they did so I asked, "So what brings you by?"

"We're actually here to deliver something!" My grandma stated excitedly.

"Really? What is it?" I asked curiously.

"Well, your grandma and I thought it would be a good idea, since you're gonna be living here for a while, to get you a mode of transportation, so..." my grandpa held out a key. "Why don't you go take a look outside." I slowly got up from the couch where we were sitting and walked towards the door. As I walked outside I immediately froze.

"OH MY GOD!!" I yelled with excitement. "You guys didn't!"

"Your grandpa and I thought you could use it." My grandma smiled.

"A car is already an amazing gift but to have it be this nice...I don't think I can take it from you."

"Please it's an apology for not seeing you for the past six years." My grandpa stated.

"You guys are the best!!" I ran and gave them a hug. A white 2018 Land Rover Discovery grandparents actually bought me a $50,000 car. I must be dreaming! I pinched myself hoping to wake up from this cruel dream but it was all reality. I can't believe that they did this.

EX-Bestfriend //Jacob SartoriusWhere stories live. Discover now