Chapter 41

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The drive home with Maia, wile short in distance, felt long and treacherous for we sat in awkward silence the whole way. Once home, Maia went straight up to her room without saying a word to me. I knew she was in shock about the news that she received but she needed to talk to me. She still had to figure out how se was going to tell her parents, the father aka Jacob, and more importantly what she was going to do with the babies. I left her alone for about an hour as I sat and watched tv in her living room. Her little sister's Kylie and Layla walked into the house after about an hour after we got home.

"Hey Callie," They both said in unison. "Can we ask you a question?" Layla added.

"Sure, what s it guys?" I replied wondering what kind of question they could possibly want to ask me.

"Is Maia pregnant?" Kylie asked.

"Why are you asking?" I said hoping to avoid the truth for as long as I could.

"Well, we were learning about pregnancy in health class," Layla started. Mind you they're eleven and in the sixth grade so I know that I couldn't just come up with a lame ass excuse to their question because they would eventually find out the truth when Maia tells them and they know a little about pregnancy. "And one of the symptoms of pregnancy is morning sickness and we noticed that a little while ago, Maia got sick every morning for two weeks."

"So is she pregnant?!" Kylie blurted.

"Keep this between us cause your brothers and parents do not know yet but yes she is in fact pregnant." I stated lowering my voice.

"Is it a girl?! I always wanted a niece!" Kylie shouted.

"Shhhh. Keep your voice down a little!" I whispered shouted hoping that Maia didn't hear that. Very quietly I started, "It is too early in the pregnancy to know the gender yet but I can tell you one thing, you won't just have one niece or nephew, you'll have two."

"She's having twins!?" They exclaimed together.

"But you have to keep this a secret. You and I are the only other people that know. We have to let Maia tell the others because it isn't the best circumstance." I said. They both nodded their heads and ran off to their room. Soon after they left, Maia came downstairs and sat next to me. 

"Thanks for telling Kylie and Layla, Callie. I don't think I could have faced them with this news." Maia said.

"What? didn't tell them!" I replied trying not to act guilty.

"Callie I heard what you said to them. Thank you."

"Yeah no problem." I went back to watching tv. After a few moments of awkward silence Maia spoke again.

"Callie, I'm gonna keep the babies." Maia stated with a smile on her face.

"You are!?" I exclaimed. "You know raising one child will be difficult but two is going to be extremely hard."

"I know but Kylie and Layla will be willing to help out. I'm sure my parents will help out once they know and get comfortable with the situation." Maia exclaimed.

"I'll be here to help out when I can." I stated. "But the big question is what are you going to tell Jacob?"

"I've thought long and hard about that. I think it's best to not tell him.."

"What!? You are currently pregnant with two if his children, Maia. Now I don't care about Jacob anymore but he deserves to know that he is going to be a father." I exclaimed, angry that she wants to keep this a secret from Jacob.

"Callie it's my life-" She started.

"But it's not just your life, it's your kids lives too now Maia. They need to have a father." I interrupted.

"I know they will but just not right now, Callie. This is my life. These are my kids and I'm going to do what I think is best for them. You can't stop me, Callie cause it is not your decision and it's not your life." Maia raised her voice.

"Whatever Maia. You're right, I can't tell you how to live your life, I can just watch you ruin it." I stated. Maia looked taken aback by this comment.

"At least I have control of how I ruin my life unlike you Callie, who ruins the lives of others for pure entertainment." Maia snapped back.

"That's not true Maia, I haven't ruined any lives."

"Yea, you have."

"Name them then."

"Um, Jacob, Zach Clayton, Luna, mine, Ethan's  for gods sake." She replied, emphasizing her words when she said Ethan.

"Wait what about me?" Ethan said poking his head around the corner of the front entry way. "Callie!?" Ethan exclaimed.

"Oh my god, I am not going to do this right now." I said quickly getting up from the couch and walking towards the door.

"Yeah! That's right. Walk away from your problems like the little bitch you are!" Maia exclaimed as I walked faster to the door.

"Maia! Language!" Her mom said cutting in. I stopped dead in my tracks and turned around.

"Pardon my language here for a second, Mr. and Mrs. Wellington but you have no room to talk Maia.  I get that you're hormonal and shit for being pregnant, but at least I have the audacity to assess the situation and try to prevent further damage instead of waiting ten weeks and taking on double  the responsibility." Everyone stopped with their face filled with shock. "Oh sorry, that was a little bitchy for me to say, wasn't it." I said sarcastically. Maia got up from the couch, ran over to me and slapped me in the face. "I don't understand how you call me a bitch when you hit like one." Maia slapped me again.

"Get the fuck out of my house!" Maia screamed.

"Already one step ahead." I picked up my duffle bag off of the floor in the entrance way and walked out of the door, holding my middle finger up as the door shut behind me. I walked down the street with my duffle bag slung onto my back. I heard the door to Maia's house open and slam shut when I was about halfway to the street.

"Callie! Wait!" Ethan said. I could hear his heavy footsteps smack on the pavement as he picked up speed, starting to get closer to my. I gripped my bag harder than before and ran as fast as I could, out running him until I was able to lose him. I ran through the woods near the house and up into my old tree house. God, this felt like deja vue. I threw my bag on the floor and slid down the wall of the tree house, panting as I was still trying to catch my breath. I leaned my head back onto the wall and concentrated on the ceiling, trying to get my mind and body to calm down. "Callie, what have you just done?" I asked myself.

"So you talk to yourself now?" A voice said. But this wasn't just a voice, it was a voice I knew way too well.

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