Chapter 4: Past Of Ash

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"I know you came here because you wanted to know what happened to me" Ash said as Serena entered the room. She was shocked that he knew.

"Thats only if you want but..." Serena got cut off by Ash.

"Its fine I'll tell you" Ash said

"Should I get the others" Serena asked.

"No not yet, they will find out later and you cannot tell anyone about this just yet" Ash said making it clear that it had to stay private. Serena nodded in response.

"So it all began after you had left Pallet town" Ash started.


Ash had just waved Serena goodbye as she had decided to leave on her mothers force because of the suspected attacks in Kanto in the coming days. Ash felt sad. He had no other friends in the lonely town of Pallet other than Serena and Pikachu. Serena was his best friend since childhood. Pikachu was his Partner since the day he was eligible to obtain a Pokémon. Ash headed home feeling upset. Atleast he had given a parting gift to Serena. It was a nice blue ribbon for Serena's accessories.

It took Ash 10 minutes to reach Pallet town and see he his home in view again. He wondered why Team Rocket had to attack Kanto of all the regions he had known in his life. He reached his tiny but comfortable home in the center of Pallet. He went straight to his bedroom ignoring what seemed like a heated conversation between his mother and someone, which Ash ignored as he was feeling sad about Serena. He was met in his room by Pikachu who jumped on Ash and licked him on the face with adorable coos coming from him.

"Hey Pikachu, have a good day" Ash smiled at Pikachu.

"Pika pi" Pikachu nodded. They spent the next few minutes playing with each other but stopped. Ash had heard the heated voice of his mother before but now her voice sounded even angrier. He sneaked downstairs to eavesdrop on the conversation.

"Why Kanto, we should have attacked hoenn first!" Delia exclaimed to the caller.

"Yes but we just need to clear this area because Arceus has been spotted in this region and we might need its power" the man said. His voice was quite deep.

"Oh ok so what are you gonna do Giovanni?" Delia asked.

"Wipeout the suburban areas of Kanto and hopefully find Arceus, you wanna come help dear?" Giovanni said to his wife, Delia.

"I would but what about Ash" Delia asked.

"Oh yeah the boy. Bring him, he'll make a good addition to the team he is powerful." Giovanni said.

Ash heard enough he had a dad? Who was Giovanni? He rushed upstairs to do some research about Giovanni and came to see results which shattered his heart. It read that Giovanni was the leader of team rocket.

"My dad is a criminal," Ash whispered to no one.

"My mum wants to join the evil side," Ash was nearly into tears.

"No they are not my parents, I'm not joining Team rocket" Ash banged his fists on the table. He then heard his front door open. He saw Giovanni enter. If they were gonna talk why didn't they do it now? Ash thought.

"Pikachu come on we are leaving" Ash said. His mind was made up he hated his "parents".

"Pikachu?" Pikachu questioned. Ash explained everything to Pikachu as to why he wanted to leave.

"Pika pi Pikachu!" Pikachu was furious with sparks coming out of his cheeks.

Ash packed everything he needed into his backpack and headed downstairs to see two figures looking at him.

"Ah, it's my boy I finally get to meet my son" Giovanni said.

"Your not my dad (if you know the vine)" Ash said furiously. The two adults were confused.

"I heard everything you said and I'm not joining you guys. I'm not your son and you ain't my parents." Ash said angrily as an aura sphere was forming in his hands. Which confused everyone including Ash.

"Your making a mistake boy, you would be treated like a king if you join me and your mother" Giovanni said.

"I said you aren't my parents and I'm never joining you." Ash was furious and released the aura sphere which Gio dodged. Gio also had enough and released a pursian.

"Use scratch on the boy" Gio said angrily.

"No don't do that" Delia said.

"He betrayed us Delia, he's no good now" Giovanni said, which sort of convinced her.

The persian lunged at Ash but Pikachu blocked it but was hit by an unexpected 2nd attack which knocked it backwards. Ash was angry but knew he had to leave. He picked Pikachu up and ran out of the house. He ran far away as he could until his house was out of sight.

End of Flashback


"Oh no, Ash I'm sorry. If only I could have helped you." Serena was in tears.

"It's fine the past is the past" Ash said looking down and clenching his fists.

"Ash so they were your parents" Serena said.

"They were my parents, I'm going to take justice from Giovanni, he ruined my life but Professor Oak helped me get back on track, with my Pokémon." Ash said.

"So you stayed with Oak." Serena said.

"Only for a year then I left and then well I trained day and night until I could achieve the strengths of my limits" Ash said with a determined look.

"I know you will, so what are you gonna do now?" Serena asked.

"I'm gonna set off to do training and get close to Giovanni."

"So you're gonna leave" Serena said upset.

"Yeah" Ash said with no emotions.

"Can I come with you" Serena asked with hope.

"No it's too dangerous, i won't sleep if you get hurt and I can't lose another close friend" Ash said.

"Then stay here we'll help you all the way to get to the bastard Giovanni" Serena was saying with purpose.

"No you guys shouldn't be dragged into this" Ash said.

"Trust me please, I don't want you to leave again." Serena said. Ash could see that Serena meant that. He felt bad she left him and it would be vice versa.

"Okay I'll stay" Ash said. Serena lunged at Ash and embraced him in a hug. She rested her head on his chest and drifted to sleep.

"She's cute when she sleeps" Ash said. He picked her up bridal style and carried her to her room.

"Ash Ketchum don't take my girl"


Thank you guys for reading the chapter. Hope you enjoyed it. Also in the coming weeks my uploads won't be as frequent as my school is starting again so yeah sorry.



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