Chapter 45: Happily Ever After? (Finale)

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'That was a good sleep!' Serena said as she yawned. She tried to grab Ash but saw he wasn't in bed. 'He must be up already' Serena whispered to herself. She then jumped out of bed and slipped into her slippers and headed towards Kaylin's room. 'Kaylin time to get up.' Serena called out. She entered the room and she wasn't there either. 'Huh? She must be with Ash' Serena thought. She then searched every single room but Ash and Kaylin weren't there.

'Strange.. Where could they be?' Serena looked around for answers. 'The Kitchen!' Serena said. She rushed downstairs and headed to the kitchen expecting Ash to be munching down on breakfast. 'What? Where could they be?' Serena began to worry. She walked up to the table and saw a dish on with a note on top. She picked up the lid.. 'Wow bacon! My favourite!' Serena said. She then looked down at the note.

'Follow the letters and enjoy...'

'What letters?' Serena thought. She then turned around and saw another piece of paper on the front door. She quickly ate her breakfast and walked towards the door and picked up the piece of paper. 'W' Serena read out loud. She then opened the door and saw the next paper a few meters ahead. This one said 'I'

'What? Is this a scavenger hunt' Serena thought. She continued walking and walked into a field that was on the eve of the forest where she had met Ash. There was a scare crow in the middle with the letter 'L' Serena grabbed and followed the way it was pointing. Serena headed closer towards the forest and grabbed the letters; 'L, Y,O,U,M,A,R,R.' Serena looked around for more pieces of paper and got two more, 'Y and M' also she found another one which pointed her in the direction of the forest.

'I guess I have to follow the arrows' Serena said. She followed the arrow into the forest. There were more arrows pointing forward making her go into the deeper parts of the forest. The arrows stopped and it was pointing at a tree. On the tree there was a letter attached to it. 'E' Serena grabbed it and put it with the other letters. Then there was another arrow which pointed down.

Serena turned her gaze down and saw a master ball with a note on top. 'Put those letters in order from the start' Serena read out. 'What do you mean?' Serena caller out. Just the. Ash stepped out behind the tree. 'Get those letters and put them in order as from when you got them' Ash explained. Serena looked confused but nodded.

She pulled out her letters and started forming the words, 'Will... You... Marry... Me..' Serena looked up at Ash. She was totally stunned. Ash grabbed the master ball and went onto one knee. 'So Serena Yvonne.. Will You Marry Me?' Ash said blushing furiously. As Ash finished the ball opened and revealed a diamond ring inside. Then the rest of their gang came out and were squealing with joy.

'Yes Ash! I will definitely marry you!' Serena squealed and lunged into Ash, tackling him to the ground. 'I love you Ash!' Serena said and lay on top of him. 'I love you too daddy!' Kaylin lay on Ash's side. 'I love you too..'

'Alright guys we have to plan the best wedding for these guys!' Misty announced. 'I'll take Ash and the lads and buy him a suit while you take Serena and the girls for her dress' Gary replied to Misty. 'Well what are we waiting for? Let's go!' Misty said and grabbed Serena and ran off with the girls following them. 'Girls always rush things.. Ash all I'm going to say is good luck' Calem said patting his back.

'Well let's get that suit and get it over with' Ash said as he wasn't interested in the topic of shopping. The guys then headed into Viridian city and went to the boys clothing store. 'These seems alright to search for..' Gary said looking at the store. 'Yeah it's viridian's finest' Brock examined the logo. 'We'll let's go and hurry up' Ash said.

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