Chapter 22: Island Escape Part 2

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Everyone on board the submarine were asleep but Serena. Her mind was fixed on Ash. His life was at risk. She felt like a hole had carved through her heart. She felt alone and scared. She was deep in thought and didn't realise Red had approached her. Red tapped her on the shoulder to take her out of her thoughts.

"Ash" Serena said jumping a little. "Shhh, it's me Red" Red said. Serena calmed down when she saw Ash's father. "Oh sorry, what do you want" Serena asked politely. "I just wanted to have a short chat and a check up if you were alright" Red said. "Do you want to sit, I can move Kaylin on my lap" Serena said. "No it's fine, let her be" Red said. He sat down on the row next to her. "So what is it you want to talk about?" Serena asked. "I want to apologise to you for not saving Ash" Red said. "No no you don't need to apologise at all, I apologise for not helping you" Serena said. "No, if I saved him you wouldn't be like this. You seem more edgy without him" Red said. "Trust me I'm fine, you don't need to apologise, you are more closer to Ash than me" Serena said. "I don't think so, I left him to be tortured. I left him alone. I've felt guilty the day I done it but was to coward to go back. I was afraid he would want distance between us" Red said. "Well he adores you now so it's fine" Serena said.

Red sighed and got up. Before he left he handed Serena something. It was a small locket with a chain. Serena opened it. A picture was put in the locket. Serena pulled it out and saw it was a picture of herself and her mother and Ash when they were young.

"Where did you get this?" Serena said. "Your mother gave it to me to pass it on to you or Ash but since your here I gave it to you" Red said. "She remembers me still" Serena said with a solitary tear forming in her eyes. "Of course she loves you to bits, she always carries a picture of you everywhere she goes. She tries to call you but always work comes in her way" Red explained. Serena didn't respond. She was just amazed at this. Her mother still cared and loved her. She felt happier than before. "Your lucky to have a parent like that, you should feel happy" Red said. "What do you mean should, I am happy. Didn't your parents make you happy?" Serena asked trying to sound polite. "I didn't have parents, I was an orphan back when I was a kid. I lived alone with charmander" Red said using his hat to cover his eyes. Serena felt sad after hearing his story. "I know how Ash felt, alone and helpless but he didn't give up. I gave up until Blue's family helped me out" Red said lifting his hat up. His eyes looked Red as if he had shed a couple or more tears. "I'm so sorry" Serena said. "Nah it's okay, the past is the past. Anyways if you feel isolated or need help call for me, I'll be there for you" Red said trying to lift his spirts, as well as Serena's. Serena nodded and Red went back to the steering of the submarine.

Serena held the locket tightly in her hands and prayed for Ash's safety before falling to sleep.


Ash slowly opened his eyes. He felt weak as if his glucose had suddenly just vanished into thin air. He looked around him and saw the ray guns had stopped firing at him. He looked through the glass and the room seemed empty. All monitors had disappeared, except for a large black screen ahead of him.

He noticed a remote on the floor with a post it note stuck next to it. He couldn't quite make it out what it said as he was a bit far. He noticed that his binds were cut off and was loose from struggling. He charged at the glass with his remaining energy. The glass shattered in an instant. He jumped out but lost balance when he landed. He fell straight down. He dizzily made his way to the remote.

"What have they done to me" Ash said out loud. His wound was no longer pink but a dark shade of purple. He then looked at the post it note on the floor. It simply said 'Enjoy.' Ash picked up the remote and pressed the power button. The large screen turned white in front of him and then Giovanni appeared.

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