Chapter 10: Secrets Revealed

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The gang approached the abandoned mansion with tension. They were not quite sure it was a safe place to stay.

"It looks haunted" Bonnie said hugging her brother.

"Yeah I think we should camp outside" Shauna said trembling.

"It's in the open, we are exposed if we camp outside. It's better to stay in the house and don't worry we have our groups so there's no need to panic" Ash said calmly. Everyone knew he had a point so they followed him inside. They all stopped because Ash had.

"Hello?" Ash shouted out. Echoes could be heard of his voice. There was a movement and a small thud which scared everyone but Ash. Ash looked around and saw a shadow disappear from a room on the bottom floor.

"What was that" Serena asked worriedly.

"Someone else is here" Misty said.

"Ghosts" May said. Dawn shrieked as she hated ghosts.

"Guys I made the thud" Ash said. Everyone looked at him. Ash said that so he could calm everyone down so they would stay here.

"Don't do that, that was scary" Trevor said as he came out from behind Tierno.

"Sorry" Ash replied. "My group is taking that room and the rest can take the 3 bedrooms upstairs" Ash said. He walked to the room he allocated and saw the mysterious shadow. Ash's group all followed him inside. It was a normal room with 2 medium sized beds, which could fit 2 people atleast.

"There are 2 beds so who wants to sleep with who?" Calem asked.

"I'm sleeping with Serena" Shauna said and she grabbed Serena's hand.

"Ash you sleeping with Tierno?" Calem asked.

"Nah I'm fine you take the bed I'll sleep in the living room.

"All alone?" Serena asked.

"Yeah, don't worry I'll be fine" Ash replied.

"You might need a mattress" Shauna said.

"The sofa can turn into a bed so it's fine" Ash said.

"Okay" Shauna replied. They started unpacking their stuff and took out the essentials they needed.

"We'll stay here for a day and leave tomorrow night. So don't get to comfy." Ash said. They simply nodded in reply. Ash headed upstairs and told the other 2 groups about the length of time they will be staying. They had no arguments about the decision so they agreed.

"Hey brock let's go get dinner ready" Clemont said as he and Brock followed Ash out the room.

"Yeah come" Brock said.

"Dinner will be served in 15 minutes." Clemont shouted so everyone could hear. Everyone successfully heard the announcement.

In Gary's group they had a hand print on the wall of their room.

"Hey look at this hand" Gary said. Paul came over and examined the hand.

"It looks fresh, someone could be here or they've left" Paul said after examining the hand. The duo went down to meet everyone else there waiting for dinner.

"Hey guys" Gary said as he approached the dinner table.

"Hey Gary and Paul" Dawn replied. Gary took his seat beside Misty and started talking with her likewise Paul who sat next to Dawn. Serena and Shauna soon joined them at the dining room.

"Hey where's Ash?" Serena asked noticing his presence wasn't there.

"I thought he was with you guys" May said.

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