Chapter 39: Team Flare Strikes!

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'Huh? What was that!' Ash said. He opened his eyes and found the city shaking. He walked towards the edge and overlooked the city. Giant roots were breaking into buildings and literally smashing them to the ground. He looked at the gym which seemed to be covered in roots, only the entrance seemed free.

Hovering above the gym was 3 legendary Pokémon; Giritina, Palkia and Rayquaza. 'They have a Rayquaza as well!' A bewildered Ash said. He looked down the building and saw more roots breaking through the floor. 'Hey guys wake up!' Ash shouted. The group stirred behind him and opened their eyes slowly.

'What is it Ash?' Serena asked rubbing her eyes. 'Well it's certainly not good' Ash turned around and saw Alain standing there looking over the city. The rest of the gang joined Ash and his brother on the spot. 'Alain wasn't this like last time?' Mairin asked pointing at the roots. Alain reluctantly nodded. 'What do you mean last time?' Brock asked. 'This happened in Unova once but at the time I was inexperienced so I fled with Mairin' Alain said. His voice trembled as he spoke, and Ash caught this. Alain avoided eye contact by looking at the roots again.

'We need to get underground or somewhere we're the roots can't smash through' Clemont said. The others nodded eagerly as one of the roots smashed their building. Ash and Alain teleported the gang to the floor. The civilians from the hatch on the floor were running around in fear as more and more roots smashed the snow city. By this time most officer jenny's had arrived at the scene but their presence did not affect the situation.

'Please everyone stay calm and please evacuate to Lake Acuity' Officer Jenny bellowed out in her speaker. The civilians all rushed towards the lake. Some looked terribly injured. 'Oh no they look injured, I must go help' Brock said and ran off with nurse Joy. 'He's we must help them first' Ash said and ran after Brock, with the group following him. They reached the lakes cave and luckily there was a Pokémon centre built there.

The civilians were all laying around in the centre looking worn out and injured from the chaos. The group went around handing out blankets and food for them to eat. Some accepted it but some were weak and couldn't force themselves. The TV in the centre turned on. It was a red background with a flare symbol spinning around.

'Hello..' A voice spoke. Lysandre appeared on the screen with an ominous face. Every face turned towards the TV. 'All this destruction is for me to create a new world. A better world. It gives me the chance to start a new era in this world by the ways of Team Flare. However I am unfortunately going to have to get rid of all humanity but 1. The power of our machine will give me the power to access all the necessities of life' Lysandre said, he turned around and pointed at large machine in the back.

'However there is one final bit I need. The synchronisation.. The person knows who he is.' Lysandre said before disappearing off the screen. The channel returned to the news station where they started to blabber on about what had just happened. 'What happened to Team rocket?' Misty asked. 'Yeah and where's Giovanni?' May asked looking at Ash and Alain.

The words of the machine rang around his head, 'he knows who he is..' Ash's muscles became tight after those words. His head started to spin as he felt his power in him attack. His knees buckled causing him to fall on the ground. He looked dazed. 'Ash! Are you okay?' Serena asked helping him against a wall. Ash looked around for an excuse. 'I t-tripped over that rock' Ash said pointing at the rock, he felt dizzy. 'Well be careful of your surroundings' Serena scolded him. Ash chuckled nervously.

'We'll continue helping these people out until anything happens' Ash said looking around the group they nodded and once again dispersed around the centre helping out Nurse Joy.


'Lysandre!' A voice shouted. The team flare boss turned around and saw Alain standing there breathing heavily. 'Ah Alain, so good to see you' Lysandre said reassuringly. Alain stared him down, 'you are not taking Ash!' Alain shouted. Lysandre seemed taken aback but started chuckling, 'oh don't worry he will not be harmed one bit' Lysandre said slyly. 'But the prophecy says that one will only survive' Alain said. 'It's about Ketchum and your father, Giovanni. And since I have him in my hands, Ash is the victor.' Lysandre smiled.

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