Chapter 16: A Bad day For Ketchum(s)

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"Son" Red whispered shocked to see his son standing before him.

"Dad" Ash said with no emotions. Red looked to the ground as well. "Where have you been for the past 14 years" Ash said. "I-I" Red stuttered but nothing came out. "I was stuck with betrayers and evil for my whole childhood" Ash was begin to shout. "Calm down let me explain, blue can you take the others we want some privacy" Red said. Blue nodded and took the rest of the group away into a little hut.

"Is daddy going to be okay" Kaylin asked Serena. "Oh don't worry, daddy is really strong and brave. He'll hopefully be fine" Serena said. Kaylin nodded sadly and held onto Serena's hand tightly.

Back with Ash and Red who were still conversing heatedly between eachother.

"Look Ash, I left because.." Red was cut off by the voice of Ash. "Because you did not love me" Ash said with tears in his eyes. "No, don't ever say that. I loved you since the day you were born. I was the one who made you grow up until Giovanni showed up" Red said with a fierce tone which got Ash's attention.

"Then what? Why'd you leave me to suffer with them. They tortured me." Ash said. "What did they do" Red asked. "When I found out who they were, Giovanni asked me to join Team Rocket. I rejected and threatened to leave by making Pikachu attack. Then he had his Pokémon attack me and I barely escaped" Ash said. Red had a tear in his eye.

"Look, I know I'm the worst father in the world and you do not deserve someone like me but here me out. I left you because Giovanni threatened to kill you or me" Red said. Ash looked his father in the eye. He could tell he was telling the truth. "I told him to kill me, so he kept you under the watch of Delia. I escaped on the day he was gonna kill me. I kept trying to go back and try and destroy his army but all the time he outnumbered me so I had to retreat. I hope you believe me and you can call me anything you want. But know this I will from now on always be there for you and never stop loving you until my days are over" Red said nodding his cap. "I guess I'll take your leave as you would hate for me to stay" Red said as he started to walk of but Ash grabbed his hand. "I believe you dad" Ash said which totally caught Red off guard. "Ash, I don't know what to say" Red said with a solitary tear running down his face. "Lets start over and be close together till the end no matter what" Ash said. "No matter what" Red said before the two embraced into a warm hug.

"So is Kaylin your daughter?" Red asked. "No she calls me that because I remind her of her dad so she calls me that" Ash said. Red nodded before indicating to Ash to head back to the little hut.


"They've been talking for ages, I feel sorry for Ash he seems to have had a really troubled childhood" Calem said.

"I just hope he doesn't get seriously angry, because before in the cave he didn't look the same at all which worries me" Serena said. Everyone nodded at her statement.

After a few seconds Ash and Red came in through the door laughing and talking.

"Shhhh, Kaylin is asleep so keep it down" Serena said as she pointed at the sleeping Kaylin on her lap. "Oh sorry" Ash whispered to Serena. He went over and sat next to her and started patting Kaylin's back gently.

"Looks like you two have made up" Blue said looking at the duo. "Yes we have decided to start a fresh and build up our relationship" Red said. "Well that's great news, and also food will be served in 15 minutes" Brock said heading to the kitchen with Clemont following.

"Well I'll go tuck Kaylin in bed so see you in a bit" Serena said picking Kaylin up and heading towards a room.

"Guys who's up for a game of charades" Gary said. "Is that the best game you can come up with" Ash laughed. "Yeah so what you have any suggestions?" Gary said. Ash didn't reply. "Ha! Thought so" Gary said teasing Ash. "Whatever, I'll join you in a bit. Dad I want to talk to you for a bit" Ash said. "Sure" Red said. He followed Ash into a hallway.

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