Chapter 29: Journey To Snow Point Starts!

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'Ash how much further?' Gary shouted across from his pidgeot. Ash looked down at the ground and recognised the area. They were hovering over the outskirts of the entrance to the lake. Dialga seemed to notice this as well and started to descend to the ground.
      'Guys we're here!" Dawn shouted. Everyone almost looked around in alertness and saw they were surrounded by water. They hopped of the flying types and gathered around Ash.
      'I will not be useful from here on out unless there is a battle' Dialga said.
'Can't you convince Azelf as well,?'Ash asked. Dialga shook it's head in, which disappointed Ash. 'It doesn't matter, return' Ash finished and returned Dialga into the master ball. The group headed across to the cave in the lake. Ash teleported himself while the others used their flying types to land on the mini island.
       They entered the cave and saw a sight which horrified them. Xerosic the scientist of Team Flare stood there with a horrible smile, which sent shivers of fear down the gangs veins.
       'I see you are late as usual Ketchum, early bird catches the worm' Xerosic said still having the smile parked up on his face.
        'What's that supposed to mean' Ash balled his fists in anger not wanting to get intimidated by Xerosic.
'Ash they convinced Azelf already, we are too late' Clemont said. 'We need to leave now' Cilan said with caution. The group made their way to the exit but several grunts blocked the entrance. Then there was a sudden gush of wind blinding the group. Ash hunched up on the floor to brace himself from the attack.
        The wind stopped after several seconds. Ash opened his eyes. None of his friends were visible next to him. He stood up and saw Xerosic chuckling.
        'You really think we would let you escape that easily?' Xerosic said making a baby face. Ash looked around and saw all of his friends being held by a grunt at knife point. Even Kaylin, which put Ash of focus. He started to run but a thunderbolt stopped him in his track. Kevin stood there with his Luxray ready for battle.
          'You will battle Kevin, over here, and if you win we set you free and if you lose well you die' Xerosic said.
          'Don't listen to him, Ash!' Max shouted. The grunt pulled his hair making him wince in pain. Ash looked up at Kevin. Pikachu ran up next to him, sparks flashing in his red cheeks.
           'I accept' Ash said. Kevin and Xerosic grew huge smiles on their face. 'Aim for the boy, kill him' Xerosic whispered in Kevin's ear. He gave a slight and walked to an opening.

'This will be a 1 v 1 battle. Once either Pokémon are down the battle will be over. Is that understood' The grunt said. He looked at both trainers who were staring at each other. They gave a nod but didn't break eye contact.
     Kevin nodded to his Luxray who jumped in front of him and gave a loud battle cry. Ash looked over to Pikachu who nodded with a determined look.
     'Let's go Pikachu' Ash said. Pikachu then jumped in front of Ash and sent a thunderbolt in the air. Pikachu was exerting it's true power.

'Battle Begin!'

'Luxray when you attack aim for the kid, use thunderbolt' Kevin said. Luxray jumped in the air and sent a thunderbolt towards Pikachu.

'Pikachu dodge then use quick attack' Ash commanded. Pikachu jumped up dodging the attack. The thunderbolt landed at Ash's feet. Pikachu started pacing towards the Luxray and hit him dead on. Kevin's Pokémon winced and flinched. Ash took this as his chance.

'Iron Tai' Pikachu's tail grew solid and silver. He swung around twice before descending to Luxray's head. Luxray managed to dodge it last second. 'Use swift' Luxray let out some stars from its tail. Pikachu dodged them but Ash was unfortunately hit by swift causing him to buckle. 'Luxray, thunderbolt' Luxray jumped up and sent a thunderbolt at Pikachu and Ash. They both engulfed the shock, Ash coming out worse in the end. He rested on one knee.

"Pikachu thunderbolt, then Iron tail" Pikachu's thunderbolt hit directly onto Luxray and then iron tail doubled that. 'Pikachu sure is fast, I need him to move so I can hit the boy' Kevin mumbled under his breath. He sent out an electivire. 'Luxray Quick Attack, electivire thunderbolt' Kevin commanded. Luxray took Pikachu out the game. Ash then took the thunderbolt. He felt the shock rush around his body.
He landed on both knees, wincing as he went down. 'Yo-you cheated" Ash managed to look up. 'Oh we just wanted you dead, to be hones' Kevin said. 'I hope you drown in your mothers pubes' Ash spat at his feet.
'Kill him' Xerosic shouted. Kevin looked at Ash in disgust and pulled out a knife. Ash's friends all gasped. 'Ash move!' Gary shouted. Ash felt paralysed. His powers had been subsided. Kevin swang his knife towards Ash, he closed his eyes waiting for a sign that he was dead.
However, Ash felt no pain in his face. He opened his eyes and saw that everything was frozen. Time froze. He looked behind him and saw Dialga standing there.
'Thanks a lot' Ash said as he got up but his knees buckled and fell to the ground. He then felt Serena wrap her arms around him and then Kaylin. 'That was way too close' Serena said breathing heavily and uncontrollably. Soon the rest of the group joined Ash.
'Ash you should have listened, I was just about to escape from his grasp' Gary said. Ash rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment. 'Sorry, the battle was tempting' Ash said. Everyone else sweat dropped. 'Even in this you cannot manage your priorities, such a kid' Iris said. Everyone laughed even Dialga. Ash grew red from embarrassment.
'We should start leaving, they will only be frozen for another 20 minutes' Dialga said. The group nodded and headed outside.
'We're do we go now?' Calem asked. 'Mt Cornet, then we walk to Snow Point city' Ash said. 'Surely we can fly to Snow Point' Drew said. 'Yeah I agree with him' May said holding his hand. Everyone noticed this. 'Oi Ash, Serena you have a contender for the best couple' Dawn said with a sheepish smile. 'Anyway, no we will not fly' Ash said. 'Why not?' Sawyer said. 'Because they have Palkia and now Giritina to guard the skies' Ash said. 'Oh yeah, he has a point' Sawyer started taking notes in his little diary.
'Well let's get into the same order as before on out flying types' Brock said. The group nodded and sat on the flying types they had been allocated while they journeyed to Lake Valor. (Check last chapter if you want to know!)
They all sat down and got cosy on the backs of the flying type. 'Well you guys ready?' Ash shouted out. 'Yes!' They all said in unison and kicked off from the ground and into the skies.

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