Chapter 11: Mistakes Were Made?

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It was around 5am in Coumarine city with lava red skies looming over the city. Ash opened his eyes and tried to get out of bed but was struggling due to the strong grip Serena had around him.

"Man why does she have a strong grip" Ash whispered to himself. He slowly lifted her arms but not successfully as Serena's grip became tighter. Ash gave up and slowly sat up keeping Serena's grip, obviously. Ash looked at the door which he had the encounter with Alfred and found it open. He could here quite whispers of his name and his vision zoomed in on the gaping room beyond the door. Ash saw the presence of Alfred who was smiling nefariously.

"Hahaha, you made a mistake waking me up" Alfred said with an evil grin. His body then disappeared leaving a tiny mist where he had last been seen. Ash had been staring at the spot where Alfred was. He then heard hisses getting closer to him. The hissing stopped and Ash felt as if a great force had come upon him. His eyes turned red and he had an evil grin upon his face.

"They are all going to die" Ash growled having a deeper voice than usual. He turned to Serena and was about to strangle her when she moved in her sleep.

"Hey Ash" Serena said as she opened her eyes. Ash jerked his hands away from Serena and his red eyes disappeared as well as his evil grin was no longer visible on his face. He returned to his normal self.

"Huh? Oh Hey Serena" Ash replied not knowing what just happened.

"Have a good sleep?" Serena said hugging Ash and resting on his chest.

"Yeah what about you" Ash replied.

"Best sleep I've had" Serena said. The stayed together for a few more minutes before getting up and arranging the bed.

"Ash, we have to talk in private" Arceus' voice was heard in Ash's head. Ash nodded even though Arceus could not see.

"Serena, I'm going to the bathroom, be right back" Ash said walking off to the nearest toilet. He entered it and closed the door.

"Yes what is it?" Ash asked kindly.

"You have to leave with immediate affect" Arceus said.

"Why?" Ash replied.

"Alfred is also helping Giovanni. But Alfred has more powers" Arceus said.

"What do you mean?" Ash enquired.

"I mean that he can make you turn evil. He will make you a dark Ash successfully if you stay in this house" Arceus said.

"What if I leave, can he still make me dark Ash" Ash asked.

"I don't know for certain. It isn't wise to linger further here. You should leave. Oh yeah and if you start feeling anger that could be the sign of transforming into dark Ash, so make sure to stay out of your friends sight once that happens" Arceus commanded.

"They both have control of me, can I fight it" Ash said.

"You could but that's risky, its a 50-50" Arceus said.

"Okay" Ash said.

"Ash?" Ash heard Serena's voice calling.

"Well gotta go, cya Arceus" Ash said as he put the Jewel back in his pocket. Ash opened the door to find Serena outside.

"Yes, Serena?" Ash asked.

"Are you okay, you took time and I heard voices" Serena said worriedly.

"Oh, I was just singing. I must've got caught up in the singing. Sorry for the worry" Ash lied. Serena bought the lie.

"Let's wake up the others and then after breakfast we head out" Ash said to Serena. Serena nodded and headed to her room while Ash went upstairs. They both woke everyone up. Brock and Clemont went to prepare breakfast while the rest sat at the table talking with each other.

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